Wednesday, September 11, 2013

This and That.

I think I am going to start making a favorites and unfavorites list for each month.... all my favorite youtubers do it and until I get up the nerve to vlog, I will present it to you in blog form.... (First unfavorite..... trying to vlog.)

My Favorites for August:

1. Yoga, I've always loved yoga but now I have an even deeper love than I did before. I think as we get older we have a better chance of getting....stiff? Tight? Probably a combination of both, and yoga really helps combat that.... while making me more energetic. (Scary, huh?)

2. Wrecking Ball....

Every generation has that one pop star that most people don't like... and yet they are usually the most well known and talked about person in the media. Madonna, Britney, Christina, Gaga.... you get the point, and now Miley has thrown her Mickey ears out the door and joined the ranks. Though I don't want to model her life choices, her music lately has definitely been catchy and this new 'jam' has been on repeat for me over the past week. 

3. Vitamin E liquid. Over 5 years ago my friend (Shout out Krystal ;)) met an older lady that had flawless skin. She asked her how she stayed so youthful looking, the lady responded, "Vitamin E".... we thought it was crazy, but the lady said she applied it on her face and it really healed all skin issues and kept her virtually wrinkle free. Obviously I want to look young for as long as I can so I started to use it... over  the years I stopped and I don't know why. Last month I started up again, and I soon remembered how amazing it was. Everyday before I put my makeup on I wash my face and then apply the oil and let it rest for about 30 minutes. It helps smooth discoloration, prevent breakouts, and it keeps my skin soooooo soft. So yeah, major recommendation right hurrrr.....

4. Peace Tea. Have you had it? If you haven't you're missing out. Stop reading this and go buy some. Right now. Stop... I said stop reading. Why are you still reading? You are horrible at instructions. Anyway, I highly recommend getting some. It'll probably change your life.

5. This Magic:

I love Revlon for most everything that they make. I am a sucker for all of their 'photo finish' products and now their Color Burst lip butters have sucked me in, talk about moisture and pigment.... I am in love. Put it on your face, you will be too.

My Un-Favorites for August:

1. Auto-correct. I think we all can agree, auto-correct has caused some very uncomfortable situation in most all of our lives... and usually with people that you really don't want to have an uncomfortable situation with. Usually, always. Auto-correct, I'm pretty sure you're drunk. You really do need to go home. Now. Right now. Go. Just go.

2. 'No Idling' signs. My wonderful offspring goes to a school that does not allow you to 'idle' while waiting to pick up your children. Even if it is 95 degrees out and you are sitting in direct sunlight. Scorching rays burning through your skin.... causing you to get Strep, or heat stroke, or worse. They really don't care. I think they should allow us to sit inside the school, to prevent any of that from happening. I don't think I can handle much more... so much heat. So. much.

3. Pumpkin Spice Lattes.... OK, so actually they were on my favorites list.... until I looked up the nutrition, Did you know that they have over 400 calories????? (470 to be exact) Ain't nobody got time for that! (Well, actually I do.... I just limit my PSL intake to 3-5 a week......... that's hardly any at all.......stop judging........ you know how good they are!!)

Anywho.... this is my first Fav/UnFav list.... I hope it didn't bore you too much. See you Friday! Happy Hump day!


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