Friday, September 20, 2013

Fashion Friday.

I don't know what has happened over the past week but my blog has blown up! I have a few hundred more followers everyday than I ever have had before! Thank you guys! And due to my new/and continuous followers I am going to be starting a Facebook page that I will link you guys up with on Monday to follow/like/comment on!

I wanted to update my Fall Fashion so far for you guys (because I love Fall so much!) Here are some of the makeup/clothing looks that I have been rocking lately, I hope you enjoy and have a fabulous Friday (Don't mind the summer clothes boxed up in the background in most of these)


Date Night.
Casual Look.
Adding some color, love this orange.
For the family pictures...that still didn't happen. It rained. Again...ughhh.
And today I added an awesome accessory! A boot (just one :)) Thank you Carrie!!
Makeup Looks:

Night Makeup.
Loving purple/navy combo.
Family picture makeup.... that didn't happen.... like the clip? :) Forgot to take that out.... 
So that is what I've been working with so far! I can't wait till it gets colder! SO MANY SWEATERS TO WEAR!!!


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