Friday, October 10, 2014

Crying over Spilled Milk.

It's not my first rodeo... I should know better. I was even warned that this would happen... and yet I still was blindsided. 

I cried today. 2 am-9 am on and off. I cried. I cried when I spilled his bottle. I cried when the swing wouldn't rock fast enough. I cried when he cried. I don't know, he may have cried when I cried. It's all a little bit of a blur. 

I love him. SO. MUCH. but I also love sleep. And I have a puppy and another child and a husband and a house to care for. And I had surgery two weeks ago.... and I am failing at taking care of anyone/thing else at the moment. I call it survival mode. Mommy survival mode. 

Some how I managed to wash bottles. reschedule doctor's appointments (I shouldn't be driving) and did a load of dishes. I still am sitting surrounded by toys from my oldest. Another load of dishes. Ingredients for a cheesecake that I promised I would make. laundry that is calling my name. But, I'm probably going to sit here for a second longer (or minute. or hour) and enjoy the fact I finally got a meal today (at noon) and though my coffee is now cold, I may just finish it anyway. 

Bills do have to be paid today and Dinner needs to be made... but I have till 5 pm... right? 

Worth every sleepless night. Krystal Shaw Photography :) 


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