Monday, September 30, 2013

Monday Moments.

Do you just have those days where you can't get started? I have been going since 5:45 AM and I have gotten a lot done but I haven't really been into it. There is pumpkin bread in the oven. A sleepy/sick baby that stayed home from school today in our Master, laundry has all been cleaned, folded, and put away... and the kitchen is almost completely clean.... but my head just hasn't been in today. I guess there isn't much thought that needs to go into a Monday though, right? 

So instead I will plan my menu for the week, vacuum, and watch HBO kids with my Mini.....

Here's what has been going on in our neck of the woods:

We've had family birthdays, dance classes, puppy snuggles, and electronic shopping:

 New house items, coffee with cats, Italian beef, and healthy crap for breakfast:

Have a good Monday, I am pretty sure that I am going to stuff my face with pumpkin bread, and cover it with butter cream icing now. Be jealous. 

Friday, September 27, 2013

Fashion Friday: I'm sorry.

This week was my first full week on 'the boot'....... and my wardrobe has suffered because, it just has. Because I get lazy when I've got a bum foot. No excuses... just facts. But the house hasn't suffer, I have slowly been giving it a face lift.... check it out:


Antler candle holders!!
So that's something. 

Here is my humble attempt at fashion this week. Sad, sad state of affairs right herrrrr:
Fiance Hoodie?? Always appropriate.
Closest thing to an outfit... and I changed before I left the house..... ugh.
This pretty much sums up my week: Yoga pants, AF hoodie, and my boot.
My embarrassed, sorry, not sorry, over it face. You're welcome.
Then I decided to get creative with my editing skills for your pleasure. Because everyone needs a little pleasure on Friday:

Be jealous. So jealous. 
Happy Friday! I hope it's semi as cool as mine is going to be. 

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Wednesday Makeup (Kinda) Review: Fake it till you Make it.

Fake. Bake. 

I love it. I always have loved fake baking.... it's a problems that stems back to my mother's Hawaiian Tropicana days.... (Yeah, she was one of those girls :) You're welcome mom) I have always tanned in one way or the other... usually the most unhealthy ways possible (they are fast... and I'm impatient.) But as I've grown up (Not gotten older) I have realized that I need to take care of my skin and stay away from things that could cause cancer, wrinkles, etc. I have ventured into the world of spray tans, foam tans, lotion tans, and even tan tissues.... And most of the times it ends in disaster, streaks, issues, smells, and many more things that I wish not to revisit.... Remember: Tanning Disaster. That was only a few months ago... I'm still a little gun shy. 

I had heard a lot about Fake Bake and the mitt that it comes with.... it sounded almost to good to be true... so I had to test it out, obviously. I waited months, and finally broke down and spent the whole $15 dollars on to get this stuff.....

I waited till no one was home and I knew no one would be home for a while and I exfoliated.... so much exfoliation. I wanted to make sure my skin was primed... I'm pretty sure it was more raw than primed. Anyway, I was ready. I followed the instructions and sprayed the mitt and started to work my way around my epidermis until I coated, circularly, my entire body. I was shocked. There was not a streak to be seen, a mark to be found, an item out of place. It was on and I wasn't afraid..... This was weird. The smell was not overbearing, and it dried fairly fast. I was impressed. I'm not going to lie. 

After hours and hours and sleeping on it, I woke up to see a pretty tanned behind..... I was pumped. I am going on day five and I am finally seeing it wear down a little bit but for the price, and the smell, and the application, I can't imagine myself using anything else from now on....

No, I didn't go to the beach, I Fake Baked.

Two hour development.... holy cow.
Be Impressed.

My amazing friend Carrie did my makeup today! Check her out here: StaGlam (Blog on her work to follow :))

Happy Hump Day and don't forget to checkout Bethanie, Uninterrupted Facebook page!

Saturday, September 21, 2013

How to: Birthday Style.

In honor of my brothers birthday I wanted to post a blog about how to celebrate your birthday in the most awesome way possible.... in ten easy steps:

1. Take a bubble bath... in champagne. Call it a birthday bubbly bath. Do it.

2. Have a life size cake made for you... and YOU pop out of it. And then eat it. All by yourself.

3. Rent a Bentley.

4. Hire a clown, and then cancel that crap. No one wants to be scared on their birthday.

5. Charge an expense outfit to your credit card... and regret it tomorrow. Yeah, tomorrow.

6. Find the closest big city... and own it.

7. You need an entourage to own the city, get an entourage. Make sure they are ridiculously good looking.

8. Get a hype man. Everyone needs a hype man, especially on their birthday. 

9. Adopt a sloth... who wouldn't want a sloth, I mean honestly.... best. pet. ever.

10. Then you know, just be yourself. Have fun. Don't try too hard. Life should be easy, especially on your birthday.

Friday, September 20, 2013


The page is already up. Checkout, follow it, like it, comment on it, let me know what you're thinking!! 

Click here:

Fashion Friday.

I don't know what has happened over the past week but my blog has blown up! I have a few hundred more followers everyday than I ever have had before! Thank you guys! And due to my new/and continuous followers I am going to be starting a Facebook page that I will link you guys up with on Monday to follow/like/comment on!

I wanted to update my Fall Fashion so far for you guys (because I love Fall so much!) Here are some of the makeup/clothing looks that I have been rocking lately, I hope you enjoy and have a fabulous Friday (Don't mind the summer clothes boxed up in the background in most of these)


Date Night.
Casual Look.
Adding some color, love this orange.
For the family pictures...that still didn't happen. It rained. Again...ughhh.
And today I added an awesome accessory! A boot (just one :)) Thank you Carrie!!
Makeup Looks:

Night Makeup.
Loving purple/navy combo.
Family picture makeup.... that didn't happen.... like the clip? :) Forgot to take that out.... 
So that is what I've been working with so far! I can't wait till it gets colder! SO MANY SWEATERS TO WEAR!!!

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Family. Pictures.

Well, it's Wednesday and I have decided that I want to post Monday/Wednesday/Friday so that there is some type of schedule that is easier to follow for you all! I will try to stick with that, don't hate me if I don't LOL

Right now my thoughts were interrupted by a commercial about self lubricating catheters..... so that is happening right now. I hope you are enjoying the visual like I am.... so much so. So great. Self.lubricating.catheter. great. Now that I have that burned into your brain lets get on with Hump day.

I have scheduled family pictures for the past 4 weeks. Every time we go to get them taken it rains. Every single time. And finally today is, hopefully, the day that it actually is going to happen. So here's hoping. And yes, they will be cheesy, goofy pictures. You've been warned. I will post them later along with a fabulous review on our photog.... I can't wait. Can you tell.

Here are some ideas I've been throwing around for family pictures.... let me know what you think:

I like themes.... and this just looked so natural to me.
Sometimes the perfect moment for a picture hits at the perfect moment for a bowl movement, why choose one when you can do both?
Cats. Why not?
I'll bring the hairspray, you bring the spunk. This picture is a home run in my opinion.
Look at the adventure and fun in this picture. Believable?? I think so.
I wanted to do a couples picture, and this all just seemed so...classy.
A family hands on is a family that gets it. Get it, 'hands on'.....
Just so much much. SO MUCH.
I want to go Medieval on this picture... it's so fabulous.
And then lastly.... what is family pictures without a gun and bird? I don't know, and I don't want to know.

Wish us luck!! 

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

It's FALL!

I need to be honest with you all..... I had a blonde moment this weekend, that lasted until about five minutes ago. After I updated my blog I couldn't figure out how to log in.... yeah. It was embarrassing. So embarrassing. But obviously I figured it out....soooo..... anywho.

It is FALL, it's my favorite time of the year. And now even doubly so (details to follow). So it was obviously time to grab all the Fall clothes (and buy new ones) and start breaking them in this past week. It's been wonderful. Here are a few looks I've been rocking and a few items that are on my wish list:

Trying a lighter look with my makeup.... and fell in love with lip balms again. 
I find it appropriate to rock braids when there are beanies involved. Deal with it. (Note the new aviators.... be jelly)
And then these bad boys. Awesome... right????


Fall wishlist

Thursday, September 12, 2013


I was pretty sure it was time for a more relevant name and face lift to my little blog-world here..... so.... TA-DA! 

The name: New.

The Page: New.

And the URL will be new very, very soon as well! 

What do you guys think??

*Just Because*

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

This and That.

I think I am going to start making a favorites and unfavorites list for each month.... all my favorite youtubers do it and until I get up the nerve to vlog, I will present it to you in blog form.... (First unfavorite..... trying to vlog.)

My Favorites for August:

1. Yoga, I've always loved yoga but now I have an even deeper love than I did before. I think as we get older we have a better chance of getting....stiff? Tight? Probably a combination of both, and yoga really helps combat that.... while making me more energetic. (Scary, huh?)

2. Wrecking Ball....

Every generation has that one pop star that most people don't like... and yet they are usually the most well known and talked about person in the media. Madonna, Britney, Christina, Gaga.... you get the point, and now Miley has thrown her Mickey ears out the door and joined the ranks. Though I don't want to model her life choices, her music lately has definitely been catchy and this new 'jam' has been on repeat for me over the past week. 

3. Vitamin E liquid. Over 5 years ago my friend (Shout out Krystal ;)) met an older lady that had flawless skin. She asked her how she stayed so youthful looking, the lady responded, "Vitamin E".... we thought it was crazy, but the lady said she applied it on her face and it really healed all skin issues and kept her virtually wrinkle free. Obviously I want to look young for as long as I can so I started to use it... over  the years I stopped and I don't know why. Last month I started up again, and I soon remembered how amazing it was. Everyday before I put my makeup on I wash my face and then apply the oil and let it rest for about 30 minutes. It helps smooth discoloration, prevent breakouts, and it keeps my skin soooooo soft. So yeah, major recommendation right hurrrr.....

4. Peace Tea. Have you had it? If you haven't you're missing out. Stop reading this and go buy some. Right now. Stop... I said stop reading. Why are you still reading? You are horrible at instructions. Anyway, I highly recommend getting some. It'll probably change your life.

5. This Magic:

I love Revlon for most everything that they make. I am a sucker for all of their 'photo finish' products and now their Color Burst lip butters have sucked me in, talk about moisture and pigment.... I am in love. Put it on your face, you will be too.

My Un-Favorites for August:

1. Auto-correct. I think we all can agree, auto-correct has caused some very uncomfortable situation in most all of our lives... and usually with people that you really don't want to have an uncomfortable situation with. Usually, always. Auto-correct, I'm pretty sure you're drunk. You really do need to go home. Now. Right now. Go. Just go.

2. 'No Idling' signs. My wonderful offspring goes to a school that does not allow you to 'idle' while waiting to pick up your children. Even if it is 95 degrees out and you are sitting in direct sunlight. Scorching rays burning through your skin.... causing you to get Strep, or heat stroke, or worse. They really don't care. I think they should allow us to sit inside the school, to prevent any of that from happening. I don't think I can handle much more... so much heat. So. much.

3. Pumpkin Spice Lattes.... OK, so actually they were on my favorites list.... until I looked up the nutrition, Did you know that they have over 400 calories????? (470 to be exact) Ain't nobody got time for that! (Well, actually I do.... I just limit my PSL intake to 3-5 a week......... that's hardly any at all.......stop judging........ you know how good they are!!)

Anywho.... this is my first Fav/UnFav list.... I hope it didn't bore you too much. See you Friday! Happy Hump day!

Monday, September 9, 2013

Red Alert: Stila 'Stay All Day' Review

It's a makeup review! I know it's been a while and I'm so excited I found something worth reviewing! Two months ago I was sent a Stila product in my Birchbox. (I hope you are already subscribed... if now subscribe here: Birchbox Subscription ) I looked at it for a hot second and then put it away purely because of the color. It was VIVID red. I have semi-rather large lips and the bolder the color they are the more massive they appear on my face.... at least that is how I feel. So I dismissed the product and went on my merry way.

This past Friday I was cleaning out some of my makeup collection (hoarding) and saw this again: 

I thought, why not give it a try. I'm not going to lie to you I did not believe that it would stay all day or that it would be anything that I would be interested in.... but I tried it anyway. 

First off, it's not really a lipstick. It's like a gloss that dries into a matte finish, liquid lipstick...whatever. I did not put a gloss over it because I was not sure if that would affect the integrity of the 'stay all day'. I personally liked the matte finish. I ate a meal, kissed my Mini and my other half multiple times, drank too much Starbucks, and did not reapply all day. This is how it held up:

First hour. Obviously felt B.A. with a color this bold. Make sure you put it everywhere you want. Note the inside of my lips I missed. 
Hour 4. Staying strong after an Americano and sandwich.
Hour 6. (Instagram filter. Deal with it.) Still staying strong. Made it through tea and kisses (AND DOES NOT SMUDGE OR LEAVE A MARK) Score. 
Hour 8. Finally after hours I started to see wear on the inside of my lips. 
All in all I was shocked. I loved the wear. It lasted 8 hours without issue. It doesn't rub off. And after 8 hours I had to scrub it off with face wash. But once off it doesn't leave a stain on your lips which I love, especially with such a bold color. 

I totally recommend this product (I ordered it in a lighter color for more daily wear though). 

Happy Monday!