Tuesday, August 27, 2013


I was excited to see the latex nude bikini that Miley was wearing at the VMA's this year. Yes. I was excited. I had literally just purchased the same one a week ago and seeing it on her reassured me that I would definitely be able to pull the look off. But ever since the VMA's the outfit has been blasted and I really am not sure why? Like I always say, haters gonna hate. Ya dig?

Sometimes we make life choices that not everyone agrees with, most of my poor life choices have been for public consumption so I understand what Miley is going through (including her fabulous fashion sense that isn't getting credit where credit is due... Everyone wears a teddy bear bodysuit sometime....) Like Kermit always says, "It ain't easy being green"

As for you parents out there disgusted and appalled.... It could be worse. She could have actually looked good on stage. I think you are safe in knowing mostly no one is going to want to copy that look or really anything she did that night.... I'd just leave it at that. 

Stay tuned next week for my nude latex bikini............................................................................


Happy Twerking Tuesday!


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