Monday, August 26, 2013

Monday Confessions: Espresso Yourself.

A long, long time ago in a galaxy.... well, actually in the same town I live in now I used to work. A lot. A lot more than I do now, and of course, for a fraction of the pay. I worked three jobs and probably would have died if I didn't slow it down a bit there after a while. I was a barista in the morning, an assistant office manager of a real estate broker, and a candlestick maker.... (no not really.) I worked a lot, as you can well imagine. Although my favorite job (the only one that I enjoyed) was working as a barista. I met some fabulous people and some of my greatest memories came from that time. The funny thing about me becoming a barista was that I never drank coffee. Ever. Didn't really like it, so I thought I wouldn't be tempted to start just because I was surrounded by it almost every day. (Yeah.... I was not so bright back then, thank goodness I'm a genius now.)

Within the first week. Day. Hour. whatever.. I had espresso.... and it changed my life. I realized that I was invincible. I could do anything with this new liquid courage.... screw alcohol, espresso gave me WINGS! It probably didn't help that I started to substitute meals with espresso drinks, that sometimes we would do espresso races....(that will be another post, it has rules and explanations that take longer than I can share at this moment... but it was intense and a lot of caffeine was consumed in a very short period of time), and then when my shift was over I would get a drink to go....because that was healthy for my digestive system, heart, and brain......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................not.

This addiction continued until I found out I was pregnant and had to quit cold turkey. It was traumatic to say the least and I didn't know if I would ever recover from the lack of copious amounts of caffeine that was usually running through my blood stream. I did. I actually was fine. When the time came when I could drink caffeine again I knew that I needed to limit my intake. The risk was just too high that I, once again, would become codependent on my personal choice of liquid...espressssssooooo. Now I like to limit it to three shots and some water.... A simple Americano. I am keeping it under raps.... honestly, nothing to worry about here. I've got this. I'm okay now. You can leave me alone in the room with an espresso maker and not be worried. But I don't recommend that you do that. Just in case. I'm just saying... lets not risk it. 

Happy Monday!!!!! 

Me back in the day Circa 2006.... on Espresso. 


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