Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Day 2: Strep On.

Things I've learned in the past 24 hours of being sick:

1. TV selection during the day really consists of CSI and Charmed. I find this depressing.

2. You consume way to many carbs while watching these shows.... I blame the suspense.

3. You HAVE to have an animal (or three) to have someone to talk to that isn't made out of cotton. It's a little more acceptable to talk to a snake or dog than a towel or a sweater.... that's just my personal thought.

4. I believe that significant others should be allowed to take off work if you are sick. Because this crap gets boring when you're the only one home.

5. There are only so many recipes I can look up before I start baking (with a mask and sanitized hands)..... the Snickerdoodles are now done, thank you for asking... from scratch.

6. Pinterest is addicting and I suddenly feel as though I have the power to craft. (I do not have the power to craft.)

7. Day 2/3 of Strep is EXHAUSTING. I just walked to the kitchen. From the living room (they're attached) and had to take a cat nap. This is ridiculous. Ri. Dic.

8. I have already phoned the Guinness Book of world records for taking the most showers in one day. They said my record was close..... I am not even halfway through the day.... I've got this. I still don't know why I think taking a shower will somehow cure and/or improve my Strep... but I am still trying. I will not, will not, give up.  

9. I have memorized most yoga poses and have yet to actually attempt any of them today.... because that would take work and energy I do not have. (They say it's the thought that counts...right?)

10. And finally, if I'm sick for much longer I will probably buy one of these in every color:

DO YOU BLAME ME?? They are just the cutest. 


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