Monday, February 3, 2014


So, I have no self-control and I was going to wait until Friday to tell you all (that don't already know).... I'm pregnant. We find out Friday how far along we are and I can't wait.... I was a little unobservant over the past few weeks.... so we could be anywhere from 7-10 weeks. I really hope it's 10 :) 


How far along am I: 7-10 weeks
Gender Prediction: I am convinced it's a boy.... I just know it.
Weight Gain: Thank goodness none so far! (I have stuck with my workout regiment and I believe that's helping)
What I'm wearing: lots and lots of yoga pants... so many.... but nothing maternity at the moment.
Stretch Marks: None so far. I hope it stays that way. 
Belly Button, in or out: In
Sleep: Horrible, I am sore on and off all through the night.
Missing Something? Moscato..... oh Moscato how I miss you.
Movement: None, but I can't wait.
Cravings: Everything salty.... and Airheads. Tonight I had white rice with an everything bagel. Super tasty.
Sick? The first two weeks after I found out were awful, I was sick nonstop.
Looking Forward To: My Doctor's appointment this week!
Favorites Last Week: Spending time with my Mini during her snow days :) And getting internet ::

I will be taking a better picture for the weeks to come but I, again, had no patience! On Friday I will update this with a picture and how far along I am!   

Happy Monday loves!


  1. So excited for you guys, can't wait to my new niece or nephew.
