Monday, February 24, 2014

Pregnant Stuff..... Mostly about food.

I am completely pregnant. I don't know if you caught on yet.... but I am. I feel it in every inch of my body. And I think you should all be privy to some of the 'joys' of pregnancy I've felt lately:

1. I just watched Downton Abbey and cried when it was over. Just because.

2. I craved Chicken Salad (Recipe to come!), Miso Soup, and Venison Meatloaf.... all by 9 am today.... You can imagine what I ate today... or what is in the oven right now.
Yeah... I made this at 8 AM.
3. I have gone through 5 tubs of cocoa butter....5. I still have a long way to go. Buy stock ya'll.... buy stock.

4. I usually always cry a little on Mr. S before I fall asleep.... almost, definitely every night.
This is usually the face he makes when I start crying... or when Mini harrasses him. (He's so blessed ;)
5. I have had VERY graphic dreams lately.... It's been disturbing... and whoever gets to spend time with me usually gets a play by play of them the next day.

6. There are these cream cheese stuffed powdered donuts in the bakery section of our grocery store... and I have LUSTED after them for 4 weeks. I still have not purchased them. I want to know how long I can fight my cravings.
7. I want Olive Garden at least once a day. That's unhealthy. Crap they have a commercial on right now.... UGHHHH. The struggle is real.

8. I sometimes want to post pictures of my stomach when I wake up and I don't look totally pregnant from the front..... then I remind myself I'm still in my first trimester... this will all change very soon.

9. I have probably 15 pairs of black yoga pants now.... and I intend to wear them for the next 6 1/2 months.

10. I forget... everything. I have started carrying around a notebook in my purse to make a list of things not to forget... I was halfway to town today and literally forgot where I was going. Thank goodness I had my handy dandy notebook. But seriously, pregnancy brain is a real thing. 

So that is just a little tidbit into my daily struggles.... Thank goodness I'm charming enough to offset this ridiculousness... right??

Feeling all sorts of Pregnant today...


  1. Are you talking about paczki?? the Polish Lent donuts? DUDE those things are LETHAL.

    1. Yes!! Which one is better when I break down? Raspberry or Cream Cheese?? :)
