Friday, February 28, 2014

11 weeks.

I am feeling better today than I have in a while! I can see the end of the tunnel with the first trimester exhaustion. I was able to workout and not pass out afterward this morning :) Next Friday I go back to the doctor for my check up and weigh in.... so much fun. I also just scheduled my ultrasound for our gender check! April 5 we will know what we are having! (God willing :)) 

How far along am I: 11 weeks (two weeks away from my second trimester!)
Gender Prediction: Girl (5 weeks till we find out for sure)
Weight Gain: (Lost 5 lbs)
What I'm wearing: Comfortable anything :)
Stretch Marks: None 
Belly Button, in or out: In
Sleep: Not enough....I'm exhausted.
Missing Something? Summer time.... and bikinis
Movement: No :( 
Cravings: Salty everything
Sick? Finally no!
Looking Forward To: Next Friday's Appointment
Favorites Last Week: Celebrating my Mama's birthday!


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