Friday, May 31, 2013

Downton Abbey, Rant.

So Happy Freak'n Friday.

Not happy.

Not at all.

My whole day has been ruined. 

Thanks a lot for asking, yes I am going to tell you why. 

Downton Abbey. My love. My heart. My soul. 

I have been watching every show religiously through the season to catch up and last night I watched season 3 finale. 

I'm mad.

I'm angry.

I'm even a little hangry. (look it up dumby.... sorry that's the hangry talking) 

I'm done.

I have worked through deaths of hot guys, sisters. False imprisonment. Sexual harassment. Heart break. Prostitution. Parties. Broken ovens. Stealing. Lying. And a freaking war! But this....this finale was uncalled for. You took away my main man. My love. You took my feelings and washed them down the drain. And I hate you for it. Thanks for nothing. You suck, Downton Abbey. You suck. 

So thanks for ruining my weekend. My heart. And some of my future aspirations. 


You had my heart...and you broke it. 


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