Thursday, May 16, 2013

How to survive anything.

I am pretty sure that at some point in your life you have thought, "What would I do if {Fill in the blank}happened?" Don't tell me you haven't thought about it, because you would be lying. Liar. Sorry I didn't mean that. (Yes I did)...

I decided to make a list of things that you always need on hand because: you. just. never. know.

Zombie apocalypse? Check. Family Reunion? Check. Basketball game in overtime? Check. Avalanche? Check. Root Canal? Check. 

Here are my top ten always needed products no matter where you are, in no specific order. (Due to the fact that they are all equally awesome):

1. Icing in a can. You know this cure many things in life. Don't mess....because it doesn't.

2. Mobile WiFi spot. LIFE SAVER.

3. Come on ladies, let's be honest.... we need tweezers. Always. End. Of. Story.
 4. Have you ever spent a night in heels? Fold up shoes are a or women. 
 5. A Machete? You may ask. Ummmm....zombie slasher. 
 6. Here is where it's at. Solar charger. Needed. Always. Especially if you are me. 
 7. Gummy bears were my icing in a can before icing in a can existed. Gummy bears are where it's at. And they never go bad. Fact.

 8. Fire starters. I mean my dance moves are pretty much fire starters, but sometimes not everyone has moves like Jagger (me) so this is a good back up.

9. Coconut Oil. It cures, fixes, and creates everything. Right?

10. And last...but certainly not least. Glitter. Makes the world go round. If you want to knock glitter...GET OFF MY SITE. Sorry, didn't mean to yell, but seriously. Glitter is where it is at. Period. 

There you have it. My top ten list of items needed to survive anything. I hope this has helped you out and inspired you. If not well, you have no imagination and I bet you don't even believe in unicorns or happily ever after. And that is sad. 

Have a great Thursday! (It's almost Friday!!)


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