Friday, May 17, 2013


I don't even know how to start this. But, here it goes. Last night I thought I would be.....frugal. Stupid idea, I know. I decided to put tanning lotion on. But I did this while texting, and blogging, and tweeting and I was not really paying attention to what I was doing....and it shows. 

Sorry I just paused to put my head in my hands and cry softly. 

Why you ask, did I not just wait the nine hours and get sprayed professionally? Because I was stupid. Okay? 

So I woke up this morning and it looked like someone has smeared orange streaky cat poop on my legs. And one arm. And my ankles. And my wrists. And my.... you get the idea. It was bad. It was ridiculous. It was not what I was expecting. 

What to do in this situation? Google what to do? Youtube a solution? Nope.



So what did I do???

Got a spray tan. ON TOP of the lotion. 


Insert comments. Shaking heads. Disbelief. 

So I'm orange.

Less streaky. 

But orange. 

Happy birthday to me. (No, it's not really my birthday)

So the pictures obviously do not do the mess justice but here they are ( The last pictures is after the spray tan) 

In person it is Epically bad. 

Oh and it just gets better. I accidentally spray tanned my palms. Yep! Forgot to put lotion on them. 

My body: Is a orange, streaky, tan lotion smelling mess. Thanks Friday. Thanks for being awful. 

Hope you all have a great day..............


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