Monday, May 20, 2013

How to not pass out.

Well, it's Monday again.... that's always something to not look forward too. Ever. I am starting to resent Sunday's because they end so fast. But here we are....and you know what Monday brings?? Confessions. This week my confession is pretty relevant to the happenings of my day so far: NEEDLES.

I hate shots. I HATE shots. I can't help it, I've always been this way, and we do not mesh well, shots and me.

When I was younger my dad would have to take off work to be able to come with when it was time for me to get a shot because they need someone to hold me down...... I had tendency to kick and/or hit whoever was yielding the needle. There may have been a time when it took more than just one (5) person to hold me down. It was not pleasant. I still have a scar from that episode. No, I'm not joking for dramatic effect it is really there.

This all being said, today I had to get my blood drawn, and I was not excited about it. I tried to sleep through the alarm (Thanks mom for the wake up call). I tried to get stuck in traffic. I tried to do many things to avoid this, but I still made it in time..... and I'm a big girl. (Thought process: I can handle it. Even if I don't want too. Because I may have passed out the past six time's I've had my blood drawn before hand. But I can do this. I am not a child anymore. Even though I really was bummed I had to drive myself there. Because I am a big ole wimp....okay??)

So I made it into the room and did my whole spiel, "I don't do needs well, I may pass out, I promise I will try not to hit you, I cannot promise I won't cry, will you hold me afterwards......" The usual. They were super understanding. They made me lay down, pep talked me, and then it happened. I may have blacked out. I may have woken up to being held in the arms of a very nice German lady singing me Edelweiss..... No big deal.

I survived. I did have to stop a few times to make sure I didn't pass out again on the way home....thank goodness there was a mall, Ulta, and Starbucks on the way home to make sure I was healthy enough to drive.

I guess this was not really a good way to teach you how not to pass out at all, huh? Rather this was just a straight up embarrassing confessional. You're welcome. I think I'll take a nap now.... or just pass out.... or whatever you want to call much....blood... loss................

Orange arm. Bloody.


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