Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Waiting Patiently

I love cold weather and so does Mini....we wait year round for it. The cold gets us ready for hot chocolate, peppermint scented and flavored everything, layered clothes (cute coats), gloves galore, and the most snugly of blankets. Today has been no exceptions in the cold department, though we are still waiting on our snow (cue sad face.)

We snuggled with the puppies, we snuggled and watched Max and Ruby, Charlie and Lola, we snuggled and read our Christmas themed books, we snuggled and read our devotions...it was a sweet morning one that I will not forget. Today we read about how important each and everyone of us are...

I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.-Psalm 139:14

What an amazing thing to know in your heart, no matter how old or young you are, you are perfectly you. Have a blessed day! 

Take everyday and make it wonderful.


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