Thursday, November 15, 2012

The Cruel Shoes.

I grew up around people with a special type of humor. And I notice that many things we joked about had to do with shoes...weird. 'Boot to the head' video and The Cruel Shoes- Steve Martin comes to mind immediately as very standard things to be quoted/watched in my house growing up.

This really never seemed of relevance to me

A little back story (again) since I became a mother I have had this problem of being a little over prepared in most every situation. I carry changes of clothes, first aid kits, and food and water at all times with me. You never know what you will need when you have children, no matter their age. And when it comes to work I am the same way, you never know what you will need, a suit, food, makeup...or a change of shoes. And because of this I have a 'emergency drawer' in my office with all of the essentials. Now I have not broken into this drawer in over a year, and I forgot that my emergency shoes had heels, sadly with my ankle I haven't rocked heels in a year, until today.

I have a bad habit of wearing my slippers to work.

Okay it's a really bad habit.

But it's comfy...and I like comfort.

Until I have to go somewhere that requires 'real' shoes.

 I think that big fluffy slippers should be allowed everywhere... but until I get that to be a thing I still needed shoes today. While weighing if I could pull off the 'pink fuzzy slipper' look I remembered my emergency drawer, grabbed my emergency shoes (boots) and was saved.

Let me just tell you, these boots are the most uncomfortable, ugly boots ever. Horrible. So today I am going to go emergency shoe/boot shopping. It's a thing. Trust me today totally proved it.

Really? I see acceptability in both. 


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