Friday, November 9, 2012

If You Tinkle....

Tonight I was presented with one of those teachable parenting moments...and I missed my mark. Let me give you a little back history....

I was petrified of potty training my angel and so I called in back ups when that time came (the grandmas) prepared for wet beds, soaked floors, and stained car seats ..but I was fortunate enough to not experience any of that! (Yes, I know I am blessed!) It took a few days and within that time we had our first/ and last accidents, to date as of tonight. We have gone over three years accident free....that is until tonight.

Tonight Mini was getting her stuffed animals tucked in, like she does every night before bed, the house had become quiet and I was ready to get her snuggled in and asleep so I could work on some assignments until I heard her yell out in excitement, "I'm drowning some ants!!! I am drowning some ants!" I wasn't sure what she meant, so I responded, "That's exciting baby!" But she didn't stop saying it, she came down the stairs and ran into the bathroom....still shouting, "I am drowning the ants!" Finally, I asked her what it meant.

"Mom! It's like what dogs do outside....only I did it IN MY PANTS!" She loudly whispered. I couldn't contain myself I was doubled over in laughter, tears running down my face, giggling uncontrollably. I knew this was one of those 'teachable moments' where I would explain to her how we need to listen to our bodies telling us when to use the restroom...but I ruined it and laughed instead....we both laughed instead....and then I almost 'drowned the ants too'.

So have a happy weekend, try not to drowned any ants...and remember to laugh...even when you aren't supposed too!

Jeremiah 29:11


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