Wednesday, November 14, 2012

The Trouble with the Missing Voice

You would think that after all my experience with this time here on earth I would predict and be prepared to have Laryngitis...but it yet again plagued me. This didn't used to be a problem before babies and pets, but it poses a problem or two.

It is hard to instruct, explain, ask, answer....when you can't talk and your children can't read yet....and your pets can't either for that matter. So today I am trying to save my explanations for only the really important things. But when you are young, everything is really important. I think I might hire a translator. Yes I might just do that....

Well, until then I think I need another Venti Peppermint Mocha....chicken noodle soup...and some awesome snuggles. Have a great Wednesday....

Oh! And my new bed frame will be here today!Yay!

It's the little things in life that make me happy! 


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