Friday, February 28, 2014

11 weeks.

I am feeling better today than I have in a while! I can see the end of the tunnel with the first trimester exhaustion. I was able to workout and not pass out afterward this morning :) Next Friday I go back to the doctor for my check up and weigh in.... so much fun. I also just scheduled my ultrasound for our gender check! April 5 we will know what we are having! (God willing :)) 

How far along am I: 11 weeks (two weeks away from my second trimester!)
Gender Prediction: Girl (5 weeks till we find out for sure)
Weight Gain: (Lost 5 lbs)
What I'm wearing: Comfortable anything :)
Stretch Marks: None 
Belly Button, in or out: In
Sleep: Not enough....I'm exhausted.
Missing Something? Summer time.... and bikinis
Movement: No :( 
Cravings: Salty everything
Sick? Finally no!
Looking Forward To: Next Friday's Appointment
Favorites Last Week: Celebrating my Mama's birthday!

Monday, February 24, 2014

Pregnant Stuff..... Mostly about food.

I am completely pregnant. I don't know if you caught on yet.... but I am. I feel it in every inch of my body. And I think you should all be privy to some of the 'joys' of pregnancy I've felt lately:

1. I just watched Downton Abbey and cried when it was over. Just because.

2. I craved Chicken Salad (Recipe to come!), Miso Soup, and Venison Meatloaf.... all by 9 am today.... You can imagine what I ate today... or what is in the oven right now.
Yeah... I made this at 8 AM.
3. I have gone through 5 tubs of cocoa butter....5. I still have a long way to go. Buy stock ya'll.... buy stock.

4. I usually always cry a little on Mr. S before I fall asleep.... almost, definitely every night.
This is usually the face he makes when I start crying... or when Mini harrasses him. (He's so blessed ;)
5. I have had VERY graphic dreams lately.... It's been disturbing... and whoever gets to spend time with me usually gets a play by play of them the next day.

6. There are these cream cheese stuffed powdered donuts in the bakery section of our grocery store... and I have LUSTED after them for 4 weeks. I still have not purchased them. I want to know how long I can fight my cravings.
7. I want Olive Garden at least once a day. That's unhealthy. Crap they have a commercial on right now.... UGHHHH. The struggle is real.

8. I sometimes want to post pictures of my stomach when I wake up and I don't look totally pregnant from the front..... then I remind myself I'm still in my first trimester... this will all change very soon.

9. I have probably 15 pairs of black yoga pants now.... and I intend to wear them for the next 6 1/2 months.

10. I forget... everything. I have started carrying around a notebook in my purse to make a list of things not to forget... I was halfway to town today and literally forgot where I was going. Thank goodness I had my handy dandy notebook. But seriously, pregnancy brain is a real thing. 

So that is just a little tidbit into my daily struggles.... Thank goodness I'm charming enough to offset this ridiculousness... right??

Feeling all sorts of Pregnant today...

Friday, February 21, 2014

10 Weeks/Fitness Update.

When I found out that I was pregnant I knew that I wanted to make a change in my diet for the baby and also my workout regiment (which had been nonexistent at the time) so that I felt strong during my pregnancy and more than anything stay within a healthy weight range for me and the baby. I suffered from very high blood pressure because I gained too much weight with Mini and I want to make sure this time around I really take care of myself and try to avoid repeating that. So the day I found out I was pregnant I started to workout, I have had to change workouts that I like to fit being pregnant and I have been researching what to do and not to do, so that I don't hinder my workouts but instead I'm able to find what works for me best.
5 weeks difference in my legs! Love seeing the change.
I haven't measured inches, which now looking at my progress I should have and will start doing, but I have been working mostly on legs, and now I am starting on arms and I can definitely see a difference! 

And here is my pregnancy update:
The bump is emerging!
How far along am I: 10 weeks today!
Gender Prediction: I kind of feel like it's a girl now :)
Weight Gain: (Lost 4 lbs)
What I'm wearing: I fit back in my skinny jeans!
Stretch Marks: None so far. I hope it stays that way. 
Belly Button, in or out: In
Sleep: Other than being sick, I am sleeping a lot better.
Missing Something? Really, just the sunshine... I'm ready for summer.
Movement: Nothing yet, but I read that with your second you can feel movement as soon as 13 weeks.
Cravings: Fruit!
Sick? Just Sinus Infection.... blah.
Looking Forward To: Getting to my second trimester :) (which is also my next doctor appointment!)
Favorites Last Week: Valentine's Day with my loves!

Happy Friday everyone! 

Thursday, February 20, 2014


Let me start off by saying it is not even 10 AM at the moment and I already am back in bed, partly because I am sick and partly because I am done with the day.... already. 

I woke up with a massive sore throat and fever that was very persistent. I knew I was sick before but I don't mess around when I start feeling like I have strep. I decided to head over to the urgent care. 

Now, being newly married Mr. S put me on his insurance. Even though it was confirmed I still haven't received my card. This hasn't been a problem at any of my other appointments they just have me give them the group number and ID number. 

I made it to the urgent care, and when I walked in I went to explain the situation.... this is what happened next:

Me: I'm recently married, and I was put on his insurance but I haven't received my card yet. His card is on file here though and I have a copy of it if you need to see it. 

Lady behind the Desk (LBD): Um, I'm going to need to see ID before I look up anything.

I hand her my ID that was already in my hand

LBD: You aren't in our file under this last name, I'm going to need your SSN

Me: Yes it changed because I just got married. (I give her my maiden name and SSN)

LBD: So which name are you? 

Me: the same as my husband, and on my ID.

LBD: But your insurance card we have on record doesn't match your husbands.

Me: Because I haven't received my card yet.... and it's changed since I was put on his card... his card is the copy you have in your hand right now. If you call the insurance company they will confirm it.

LBD: I just don't think I can do anything for you.... I really think you just need to bring him in with you so I can verify why you're trying to tell me. 

Me: Sounds good to me.......


How's your Thursday going? I have to wait until 1 to go to the doctor now so my hubby can chaperone me.... and stress eating Paleo really isn't as comforting as stress eating a Ben's Pretzel right now (Downtown Valparaiso, IN). I'm going to go back to eating my ground turkey and fresh tomatoes.

My babysitter.... waiting on him to take me to the doctor...

Wednesday, February 19, 2014


I was thinking today.... this is what happens when I'm sick in bed.... It probably isn't for the best but it happened anyway. I was thinking about the past. How different life is this year from last year. I am trying to redirect my sadness these days to happiness, because there is so much to be grateful for this year that I want to look at life half full again for the first time in in almost four months. But, I am realistic. And more than not I have sad days... and more than not things people say or do takes me back to sad times, sad thoughts, a missing that I just cannot explain. It's a hollow, dark abyss in my heart that will take time and love to heal, I'm sure. 

So today I thought about the happy times I had when I was pregnant with Mini. And I thought of a ridiculously funny memory when I was nine months pregnant.

My younger brother Tyler (That passed in October) never really got the 'idea' of pregnancy. We lived together at the time and he never really got why I was annoyed at 4 AM when he recorded music... but that was part of his charm, he definitely played to the beat of his own drum. Well, December 15th I was due, that date came and went and Tyler was leaving town at the end of the month. So he took it upon himself to try and induce my pregnancy one night before he left. He woke me up from my third nap of the day at around 8... I was not amused. But I got up and he told me I needed to put a dress on (because that's what you want to do when you're 41 weeks pregnant) and he took me down town Orlando. On the way we picked up a few friends. Some very colorful characters and we made our way to iBar. They thought they had found the perfect way to induce me, clubbing. Has anyone been downtown Orlando late at night? It's not the safest of areas... during the day. You get the idea. I was terrified (the fear alone should have started contractions). But I stuck with it, and we danced, and it still is one of my favorite memories of Tyler. Funny enough most of my memories that make me giggle about our adventures have to do with dancing.... but those I am sure I will divulge some other time. Thank you for letting me ramble. Don't forget to love today. You'll never know how important it is, usually till it's a memory. 

8 Months pregnant with Mini, Pelican Beach, FL.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Pregnant Fashion

The last time I was inflated it was closer to a decade ago than I would like to admit... my body has...aged? Found it's curves? Gravity has 'introduced' itself in new and not so fascinating ways? That being said, stressing about what I am going to wear over the next six months (that won't make me feel like a draped whale) has been on my mind constantly... if you don't believe me just ask my hubbie.... he hears about it... a lot. So I have taken to the websites I love and tried to find items that I can buy sized up or bump friendly. Since I've switched my food intake to clean eating I've lost 4 pounds and I am hoping to stay as fit and healthy as possible through this pregnancy. 

What I'm purchasing now: 

Growing Fashion

There will be lots of Body Con, Lots of black, lots of stretchy waist shorts.... and LOTS of bikinis to survive this summer, the heat, the growing waist band, and the growing desire to not be round in the heat of the summer.

Feeling very pregnant these days :)

Monday, February 17, 2014

Monday Ramblings

I try not to complain about the weather because I usually enjoy, to some extent, all seasons.... but this is getting out of hand. I closed the blinds today just so I didn't have to see the snow fall. On top of the crappy weather I have an insanely annoying cold and sinus flu going on.... It's not fun. 

So today after doing the obligatory stay at home mommy choirs, laundry, dishes, eating, I decided I would try to workout.... that was a fail... I'm going to try again later.... which might not workout either. Instead I found myself looking up recipes (me and the hubs are trying the whole 'paleo' thing... I'll let you know how we survive) and I decided to tryout brussels sprouts..... I roasted them and honestly they were super tasty! The aftertaste is annoying... I count that mostly in part to my pregnancy smell issues, etc. With this new change in diet, the house is PACKED with veggies, fruits and lean meats... with that feeling of impending cabin fever coming again, we might just be forced to stick to this diet.......

Other than diet ramblings and weather hate mail, I hope you all had a wonderful Valentine's Day weekend (because it was a full weekend event). Mine was wonderful, spa day, candy, flowers, jewelry, steak, Robocop... all the makings of a perfect weekend. 

Now I am going to go back to watching reruns of Castle, pretending its balmy outside, and shopping for bikinis for my bump this summer.... which I hope will be here sooner than later.

Happy Monday!
Valentine's Day 2014

Thursday, February 13, 2014

What to Wear for Valentines: 2014

I love LOVE. Yep, I'm super cheesy, and when I'm not putting my love in a headlock or thumb battling him, I'm thinking of how much I love him.... ok, now that I've officially got most of you to puck.... let's talk about the cheesy, wonderful holiday that is coming up this weekend, Valentines day! I haven't decided what I'm wearing yet but I thought I would show you guys some ideas that I was throwing around... and maybe give you ideas of your own! Happy LOVE weekend :)

v day

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Things I want Tuesday. It's a thing.

Tuesday is going to be the day that I lust after physical beauty every week.... Physical beauty in the form of items I am in love with... this week I was lusting after watches and other goodies that make me feel wonderful and happy to look at... here are those items:

What is Trending in world

It has been really fun to look at ideas for when my bump starts to show and though I'm dreading being round and in charge in the heat of summer, I think it will be a blast to dress it up... inside... with A/C.  

Happy Tuesday!

Monday, February 3, 2014


So, I have no self-control and I was going to wait until Friday to tell you all (that don't already know).... I'm pregnant. We find out Friday how far along we are and I can't wait.... I was a little unobservant over the past few weeks.... so we could be anywhere from 7-10 weeks. I really hope it's 10 :) 


How far along am I: 7-10 weeks
Gender Prediction: I am convinced it's a boy.... I just know it.
Weight Gain: Thank goodness none so far! (I have stuck with my workout regiment and I believe that's helping)
What I'm wearing: lots and lots of yoga pants... so many.... but nothing maternity at the moment.
Stretch Marks: None so far. I hope it stays that way. 
Belly Button, in or out: In
Sleep: Horrible, I am sore on and off all through the night.
Missing Something? Moscato..... oh Moscato how I miss you.
Movement: None, but I can't wait.
Cravings: Everything salty.... and Airheads. Tonight I had white rice with an everything bagel. Super tasty.
Sick? The first two weeks after I found out were awful, I was sick nonstop.
Looking Forward To: My Doctor's appointment this week!
Favorites Last Week: Spending time with my Mini during her snow days :) And getting internet ::

I will be taking a better picture for the weeks to come but I, again, had no patience! On Friday I will update this with a picture and how far along I am!   

Happy Monday loves!