Wednesday, June 19, 2013

The Cleanse... Day 1.

I am doing a three day cleanse. I am using a combination of a few cleanses I've researched and then, of course, I am making my own changes to it along the way. You get to experience this (if you want too) with me! Lucky you!

I'm excited to get this started...And also terrified.

Start off with cost, it was about $120 for all the ingredients for this for three days. That also includes a month worth of probiotics and vitamins. (Which were about $25)

Let us get started. 

Breakfast. I get up early... usually now. (Thanks to my handsome man's job.... 5:30 AM... gross)

1. One or Two glasses of water (I flavor it because I hate water in the morning.)

2. Then One mug of green tea with a lemon slice with Stevia or a TSP of light Agave Syrup.

3. Next take your Vitamins (I like gummy and I got them with Omega 3 and DHA) 

4. Then I drank another glass of water.

5. At about 9:30 I drank my first smoothie. I will list the recipes at the bottom of this post.

6. At 10:30/11 I take my TruBiotics.

7. At noon it's time for this Green Beast... it was disgusting. I couldn't do it. So I drank water instead.

8. Time for some more water.... I'm going to attempted 3 to 4 more glasses to keep my stomach full and I'm taking another multivitamin.

9. Snack time... I decided to make my own creation off of things that I have researched. I made Smoothie 1. 

10. Dinner time. I was convinced against my hazy judgement that I needed to eat some actual food. So I had an actual meal and now I don't feel as though I will pass out at any given moment. 
I was not meant to stop food cold turkey.... obviously. 

So we have made it through day 1. 

My Feelings:

I definitely felt lightheaded this morning until about 11 AM. I craved food but that is in my nature so I was not to surprised. Overall I am glad that it is done and I am interested to see how tomorrow goes, hopefully I can make it through the whole day without needing more food. 



1 cup of water
A banana
1-1/2 c. of raspberry
TBS. Flaxseed
TBS. Almond Butter
1/2 c. of spinach leaves
1/2 a lemon juice
Blend and chill.

Smoothie 1 

1 cup of coconut water
A banana
1-1/2 c. of raspberry
TBS. Flaxseed
1 1/2 c. of spinach leaves
1/2 a lemon juice
1/4 pineapple


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