Friday, June 7, 2013

That one time you ....

Men and small children, turn back you aren't welcome here today. I said...turn back. Why are you still reading? You no welcome. Go home now. 

Anyway, you've been warned. I am done trying to save you from this uncomfortable post.....

My family has the hardest struggles when it comes to our lady bits (told you it was getting gross).... cysts, Endometriosis, and many more issues. Therefore, when it comes to medicine that can aide in the limitation of our discomfort, we are all more than willing to participate. When I was offered something that could help me recently, I jumped on it. It is called an IUD. I will not go into details most of you know what that is and if you do not, Google dot com it. Obviously.

Gross. You're welcome 
I was told that it was simple procedure, it was nothing to worry about, I was told I 'wouldn't feel a thing' and I could 'go back to my normal activities' as soon as I left the office.

They. Lied. To. Me.

Let's just say I rather had been in labor than the pain this little T-shaped jerk was causing me. 

I ran into one of my lovely friends at my daughter's school the next day, and after the kids went in I looked at her and told her the reason I looked so worn down and exhausted, I had just had an IUD put in. 

She looked at me a little taken back, confused even.... (I realized then I may have been a little too open) But I smiled and said, "Yeah, it was not fun. I don't even know how I am standing here right now." She courteously smiled at me, but behind her eyes... I saw fear. 

Flash forward about four hours later.... I had really felt as though I had over stepped my bounds... I had said too much.... I was feeling pretty ridiculous when I received a text from the same friend....

"So, I think I'm hearing dyslexic.... I thought you had said you had gotten a DUI."


Let me just tell you this was the most amazingly reassuring text I had ever received. And hysterical at the same time. 

And at that moment I thought, this is why we're friends ;)

PS. I recommend no one ever gets an IUD. I lasted two weeks with it and almost died. 

The End. 


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