Thursday, May 24, 2018

What have you done to my baby?

I just got home you guys. It is 10:30 PM and I just got home... No, wasn't doing anything cool (I didn't make it to the gym till 8) -it was just a long day of stuff I had to do. And mama is tired, but-I am not not going to write just because I'm tired.

So, today I spent a little over two and a half hours detailing my car.... I don't know why, but I felt like it needed to happen before Summer break and I'm to cheap to pay someone else to do it [not true, I would love to pay someone to do it but I really am trying to lose those last 40 pounds I gained 40 pounds ago, so I'm staying active-ish]

I also took my car to the shop, found out nothing was wrong- she just a mess, I can totally relate.

AND then, you guys, I had to take Dax to the groomers. I knew this day was coming for a little over a week, but I still wasn't prepared. He's literally my third baby. He gets me, he snuggles me, he's my boo boo. I don't like him being unhappy and he has HORRIBLE separation anxiety when he sees me leaving him anywhere.... even to go pee [he got stuck in our small bathroom one time because he insisted that I let him come in... it was traumatic for both of us.]

I brought him into the groomers, he met them and then was ready to leave.... and that broke my heart but I knew it was time for this to happen, my baby has been a hot mess for about a month thanks to the weather insanity and his love for mud. We hugged his head hugs are the best and then I begrudgingly walked home... worried about him and the fact they informed me they HAD to shave him.... he's never been shaved. I didn't want him to be shaved. I was worried about his pride.... and mine. Just being honest.

4 hours went by and I got the call... the call I had been waiting for, for 4 hours.

He was ready to come home..... I made it to the store front, I'm not going to lie I was really afraid. I was actually emotional, expecting him to maybe be embarrassed of his new look.... I had spent a really stressful day with our snake who is having some shedding issues and I assume will have to go to the vet next week because she is acting a mess.... so I just had like, a lot going on y'all. Also, I realize full well that I have way to many animals and it probably makes me more of a hermit than I need to be... but they need me.... they do. And they gots the drama just like the rest of us... *I should probably leave the house more, talk to some adults, talk less to my animals... I get it*

As I enter the door this freaking poodle knocks into me.... and I was not amused..............................................................................................................................................................................................until I realized that it was not a damn poodle... it was my head hugging Great Pyrenees and he looks like a skinny, still very freaking heavy, poodle. He had a scarf on, he smelled good, and he is so damn soft now..... but I was in shock..... I AM in shock.

I promise I don't love him any less, but I don't know if I'll be walking him as much for the next few.... months till he fills out a bit. For his sake, obviously. *looks up furry costumes for Great Pyrenees dogs..... tries to glue faux fur rug to the poodle, still looks like a poodle...*

So I guess all that is left to do is show you guys what I am working with..................

Before... my normal boo bear 

After... pray for us


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