Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Send coffee.

I fell asleep sitting up last night... apparently, I was tired. The worst part was that I fell asleep BEFORE I ate dinner. That means I need to eat two dinners tonight, right?

Last night I was so tired because I had to *help* Mini finish her science fair project. It was a tad bit stressful. But we got it done. 

I had the whole afternoon planned out so we wouldn't be stressed. You know how it goes when you're super planned out and prepared and then the universe is like, 'Nah bisch, you not going to do it that way.... OKKKKKRRRRR' [did I mention the universe only talks in Cardi B, which is literally the only reason why I tolerate it's attitude]. So instead of my plan... this is what happened:

I got the toddler down for a long nap, set up to clean the house... and the phone rings, "Hey mom, one of my wires has popped out and cut my lip... I need to go get it fixed." It is 1 PM.... I have to set up an appt within 2 hours. I can do this... it still fits in my 'plan' for the day..... 

I was fine, until I called and found out their local office is closed on Monday and I have to drive 45 minutes during rush hour to a not so wonderful area to get her bracket fixed.... OK, so that takes about 2-2.5 hours out of my stress-free plan..... I'm getting a little stressed now. JUST a little, it's fine. It's fine. 

Y'all.... it's fine. 

Now it is almost 6:30 PM..... and we haven't started. And we still have to go print these sheets because my printer isn't working..... and oh, yeah dinner. AND WE DON'T have enough letters for the damn title. 


Of course they are fighting. Why not? [my eye starts to twitch] 

My mom calls and I finally take her up on her offer to help.... please bring more 3 inch gold lame letters. Thank god she did, it probably kept me from giving up and getting wine instead and letting Dallas put his special twist on his idea of what a science project should be AKA box of crayons and the display board. 

By the time we were done it was about an hour past bed time, and my OCD had kicked into high gear.... so I sent them to bed to work on my masterpiece by myself...... and fell asleep somewhere mid-lighting set up and watching insta-stories. 

I promise... this will be my last 'day in the life of a hot mess mom' ramble for a while.... 

[annoyed even by myself]

Have an awesome Tuesday guys!!


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