Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Rambling Wednesday.

I'm almost 15 weeks... and I feel the second trimester kicking in. The idea of cleaning finally isn't overwhelming anymore, I woke up to a clean house today for the first time in a while (usually I clean during the day and then have no energy to pick up before bed, which was so not me pre-pregnancy) but today everything is already done, and I'm so happy. I had a visit from the bump fairy this weekend and I thought it was here to stay but I think most of it was sodium/water retention due to my weekend cravings :) The bump has gone again for the most part, and I'm okay with that. My bump didn't make it's appearance till 20 weeks last time and I would love that to be the case this time around, especially due to the fact that this time around I am really focusing one my fitness more than before. I am still down 7 pounds from what I was when I found out I was pregnant and I know that in the next few weeks I will start to put the pounds on, so I am preparing myself for that.... as much as anyone can :)

We find out the gender of the baby in about two weeks...and I am so excited and I cannot wait to announce it! And we will be doing an adorable gender reveal picture, because it is kind of a must.... right?? 

I will be doing a 15 week update, and a makeup review this week.... so though this a ramble post there is more to come this week. (My computer stopped working last week, it was devastating... it's all better now for the time being.)

Happenings going on this week: 

Painting the house, 14 week update, Mini being adorable, New foundation love.
 Have a great Wednesday! Makeup update tomorrow!


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