Monday, March 24, 2014

Monday Ramblings....

Our past few days:

Mini is sick and it's devastating. I think that for any parent one of the worst feelings is seeing your child sick and knowing there isn't anything you can do personally to fix it minus medicine, love, and liquids (in Mini's case). I feel like no matter what her health status is though she always does/says something adorable. Yesterday after she woke up from her second nap she was devastated, on the verge of tears and I asked her what was wrong... she said, "We I'm sick and then I saw THIS happened!" and she pointed to her arm officially in tears at this point.... she had sheet indention's on her skin from her nap :) I reassured her it would be fine and she went back to bed, relieved. Life is rough when you are six... especially when you are six and sick.

There are moments, I believe, when you are with your significant other and they say something that reminds you how much they just get you...

Last night I had one of those moments... Mr. S and I were watching Walking Dead (my unabashed TV addiction) I am still upset about last week... as would anyone that watched it and has a heart would be. I looked at Mr. S and said, "I wonder how many people are going to name their children Mika this year after that episode." And him, without missing a beat asked, "So you want to name this one Mika if it's a girl?" He knows me.... he gets me :) Of course I'm pretty sure this is a boy and I wouldn't do that too him.... Although it could be a second middle name...right? 

 I am feeling under the weather as well, and it's not fun at all. Such a sucky way to start our Spring Break, but at least I'm able to snuggle this sick cutie and work on things from bed... because that is about all I have energy for.

Happy Monday, hope you all are super healthy! 

My honey experienced Ikea for the first time (because I was craving Swedish meatballs :))
I'm testing out the NYX Butter Glosses and so far they are amazing!


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