Thursday, March 6, 2014

Epic Fail.

Have you ever had one of those days where everything is a little... off? Like epically off. Horribly wrong. Nothing going right kind of a day? Well, because I'm pretty much full of awesomeness, this usually never happens to me... but yesterday was one of those days for me. 

First. I got bad news.

Second I got devastating news. 

I had to pay bills. Ended up on the phone for three hours. 

I only worked out for 11.36 minutes.... with all intentions to workout more... but I didn't. 

None of my shows recorded from the night before... it ruined my morning.

I lost more weight.... no clue how. Not mad about it. Just perplexed. 

I ate Taco Bell (thanks mom) all of that. So much of it. Gross. Awesome. (If you know me, you know I don't eat fast food... ever.... never ever.) 

I didn't take a nap... but I wanted too.

I ate half a tray of cookies. HALF. All by myself.

I didn't get the laundry done... I didn't vacuum.... I thought about eating more cookies.

I cried. Because I'm hormonal. I cried again because I was tired.

Then I decided to make homemade meatballs and red sauce. Dropped some eggs on the floor, flung an entire can of crushed tomatoes all over the stove.....

The bus was almost 30 minutes late dropping Mini off... I almost called the cops. I get intense fast.

When the bus finally did come Mini told the driver she wouldn't be needing their services anymore.

I made Mini clean her room.... it did not end well.
I put my towel on my spin bike after showering... instead of my butt on the spin bike to ride it. 

It was just one of those days... 

It didn't mesh well. 

It didn't go as planned.

I didn't like it. 

I had one more cookie.

And I went to bed.... hoping I didn't have one of those days again for a very, very long time.

I was going to do a makeup tutorial today... but that didn't work out so well....but at least I got makeup on my face at some point yesterday, on bad days at least you can mask it a little bit, right??

Happy Thursday! (Hopefully)


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