Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Baby Bear.

I feel like nicknames just come to people.... When I was pregnant with Mini I called her Monkey :) And then later Babylove... but with this one I just couldn't think of anything and then last night it came to me... Baby Bear. It will probably change if I find out that Baby Bear is a girl then that will probably change...but I'm pretty sure it's a boy. I already started purchasing items for the nursery and I love them. I started with a deer theme, and I decided I wanted to roll in some bear accents as well. I started to shop around and found these images and I love them... I am so indecisive, which means it will definitely take time for this nursery to come together. But I am enjoying the process. I have narrowed down the cribs, the glider/rocker, and the colors for the room. Other than that it is a blank canvas!

  • Bear Art:
  • Deer Art:
 Today I'm trying out BareMinerals lipstick and so far I am loving it!

Monday, March 24, 2014

Monday Ramblings....

Our past few days:

Mini is sick and it's devastating. I think that for any parent one of the worst feelings is seeing your child sick and knowing there isn't anything you can do personally to fix it minus medicine, love, and liquids (in Mini's case). I feel like no matter what her health status is though she always does/says something adorable. Yesterday after she woke up from her second nap she was devastated, on the verge of tears and I asked her what was wrong... she said, "We I'm sick and then I saw THIS happened!" and she pointed to her arm officially in tears at this point.... she had sheet indention's on her skin from her nap :) I reassured her it would be fine and she went back to bed, relieved. Life is rough when you are six... especially when you are six and sick.

There are moments, I believe, when you are with your significant other and they say something that reminds you how much they just get you...

Last night I had one of those moments... Mr. S and I were watching Walking Dead (my unabashed TV addiction) I am still upset about last week... as would anyone that watched it and has a heart would be. I looked at Mr. S and said, "I wonder how many people are going to name their children Mika this year after that episode." And him, without missing a beat asked, "So you want to name this one Mika if it's a girl?" He knows me.... he gets me :) Of course I'm pretty sure this is a boy and I wouldn't do that too him.... Although it could be a second middle name...right? 

 I am feeling under the weather as well, and it's not fun at all. Such a sucky way to start our Spring Break, but at least I'm able to snuggle this sick cutie and work on things from bed... because that is about all I have energy for.

Happy Monday, hope you all are super healthy! 

My honey experienced Ikea for the first time (because I was craving Swedish meatballs :))
I'm testing out the NYX Butter Glosses and so far they are amazing!

Friday, March 21, 2014

15 Weeks Update!

I probably will be waiting to do another update until we do our Gender reveal so this is the last one for the next two-three weeks. I am getting so excited knowing that I am a week away from being 4 months pregnant, I love knowing by Easter I will be at my halfway mark.... I really want to meet this kiddo, not that I'm impatient or anything.

Whether I liked it  or not this baby has been drastically changing my diet, week by week. I haven't been able to handle my nasty snacking/dining habits like I used to be able too. This baby really likes clean eating more than I do... and though I sneak in pizza as much as I can, I suffer after it... every time, it really makes me think twice before I consume items now. 

I didn't get to post yesterday because I became an aunt again yesterday so I was away from my computer and I don't feel bad about it at all :)

My bump is still at bay, though my Hubby likes to remind me constantly that I'm going to get big... very soon... (not something any preggo wants to be reminded of ;), I know that he is right and I have tried to find clothing that I can wear this summer that won't annoy me too much. After I finish my wish list of pregnant wear I will be posting that for all those fellow moms that get to suffer through the summer round and in charge. 

~15 WEEKS~

How far along am I: 15 weeks (two weeks away from finding out the gender!!)
Gender Prediction: Boy
Weight Gain: (Lost 7 lbs)
What I'm wearing: My normal clothes still, thank goodness!
Stretch Marks: None 
Belly Button, in or out: In
Sleep: I am sleeping everywhere, but I feel rested and more energetic now
Missing Something? I am not missing so much as excited about this summer and Break with Mini
Movement: I have been feeling a lot of flutters! The Dr said because of my lack of weight gain in my stomach I would be able to feel the baby sooner than last time.
Cravings: Salty everything and lots of veggies!!
Sick? Only if I consume too much sugar (getting tested for hypoglycemia next visit)
Looking Forward To: Our 3D/4D gender ultrasound!!
Favorites Last Week: Getting Mini's progress report card, and seeing how well she is doing! 

Have a great weekend! Next week I am going to be posting some of my workout for my preggo and non-preggo's out there! (It's nothing fancy but I thought I would share!)

My week. My Peeps. My Nephew. Makeup Fun.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Rambling Wednesday.

I'm almost 15 weeks... and I feel the second trimester kicking in. The idea of cleaning finally isn't overwhelming anymore, I woke up to a clean house today for the first time in a while (usually I clean during the day and then have no energy to pick up before bed, which was so not me pre-pregnancy) but today everything is already done, and I'm so happy. I had a visit from the bump fairy this weekend and I thought it was here to stay but I think most of it was sodium/water retention due to my weekend cravings :) The bump has gone again for the most part, and I'm okay with that. My bump didn't make it's appearance till 20 weeks last time and I would love that to be the case this time around, especially due to the fact that this time around I am really focusing one my fitness more than before. I am still down 7 pounds from what I was when I found out I was pregnant and I know that in the next few weeks I will start to put the pounds on, so I am preparing myself for that.... as much as anyone can :)

We find out the gender of the baby in about two weeks...and I am so excited and I cannot wait to announce it! And we will be doing an adorable gender reveal picture, because it is kind of a must.... right?? 

I will be doing a 15 week update, and a makeup review this week.... so though this a ramble post there is more to come this week. (My computer stopped working last week, it was devastating... it's all better now for the time being.)

Happenings going on this week: 

Painting the house, 14 week update, Mini being adorable, New foundation love.
 Have a great Wednesday! Makeup update tomorrow!

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Diaper Bag lust list 2014

I figured I would knock a few items off my list over the next few weeks (must list for the baby) so bear with me. Today, this week, I am checking out diaper bags. Is it just me or did they get a lot cooler over the past few years?? I haven't been able to narrow down to what I want yet, but I figured once we found out what we are having I'll be able to figure it out accordingly. For now here are my top picks:

Diaper Bag lust list 2014

Happy Monday! 

After our ultrasound last week... we were just a little excited. Can you tell?

Saturday Ramblings.

After the Epic Fail day I thought that the week couldn't get much worse... and it didn't minus the power going out for most of the day the next day....but other than that it wasn't so bad. Friday we got to see our baby move.... all. over. the. place. It was adorable. The heart beat was significantly slower and we went from thinking 'girl, girl, girl' to 'BOY'. We find out 4 weeks from today... and we will be revealing it not to long after that. I don't have any 12/13 week bump pictures but next week or the week after I will. I figured when I have something to show lol... so hopefully it won't be till week 20/21 ;) I can dream that I'll be flat and all svelte till then... right? 

I have been thinking about all the things I don't have for the baby and it is overwhelming! We don't have anything... we don't have a smidgen of anything. Okay we have one thing.... an infant bath. That is it. That is all. I know I am just now in my second trimester and we have a LONG way to go... but it's going by fast and having nothing is getting pretty scary.... so I have created a list of all the things and places we (Hubby and me) have to go and get.... I know he's beyond excited. But most everything is a need not a want. Highchair/crib/car seat..... kind of important stuff.

I know it will all work out and we will get it done... eventually... me being the OCD mama that I am would like it all done.. right.. now. Please? But it will happen in time. Patience is not my middle name. 

We finally nailed down the names we have picked out for the baby boy or girl. I am excited, and I can't wait to share it with you all when we know! And yes... they are adorable either way.... duh.


Happy Saturday! 

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Epic Fail.

Have you ever had one of those days where everything is a little... off? Like epically off. Horribly wrong. Nothing going right kind of a day? Well, because I'm pretty much full of awesomeness, this usually never happens to me... but yesterday was one of those days for me. 

First. I got bad news.

Second I got devastating news. 

I had to pay bills. Ended up on the phone for three hours. 

I only worked out for 11.36 minutes.... with all intentions to workout more... but I didn't. 

None of my shows recorded from the night before... it ruined my morning.

I lost more weight.... no clue how. Not mad about it. Just perplexed. 

I ate Taco Bell (thanks mom) all of that. So much of it. Gross. Awesome. (If you know me, you know I don't eat fast food... ever.... never ever.) 

I didn't take a nap... but I wanted too.

I ate half a tray of cookies. HALF. All by myself.

I didn't get the laundry done... I didn't vacuum.... I thought about eating more cookies.

I cried. Because I'm hormonal. I cried again because I was tired.

Then I decided to make homemade meatballs and red sauce. Dropped some eggs on the floor, flung an entire can of crushed tomatoes all over the stove.....

The bus was almost 30 minutes late dropping Mini off... I almost called the cops. I get intense fast.

When the bus finally did come Mini told the driver she wouldn't be needing their services anymore.

I made Mini clean her room.... it did not end well.
I put my towel on my spin bike after showering... instead of my butt on the spin bike to ride it. 

It was just one of those days... 

It didn't mesh well. 

It didn't go as planned.

I didn't like it. 

I had one more cookie.

And I went to bed.... hoping I didn't have one of those days again for a very, very long time.

I was going to do a makeup tutorial today... but that didn't work out so well....but at least I got makeup on my face at some point yesterday, on bad days at least you can mask it a little bit, right??

Happy Thursday! (Hopefully)

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

The Truth About Pregnancy after 25: The First Trimester

I LOVE the fact that in a few short (long) months I will be able to hold a new bundle of joy, someone that is part me and 100 % awesome. But the process of getting them here is not the easiest at this point in my life. I really feel like the game changes in pregnancy after you hit that 25 year old mark (or older in my case). Youth gives you the ability to bounce back in ways that it never will again after 25. Even if you aren't pregnant, let's be honest.

I am rounding the end of my first trimester this week and getting ready to enter my second trimester.... exciting stuff, but I thought I would share my tidbit on what happens to your body in the first trimester after 25:

1. Cellulite. Sorry you didn't have it before.... now you have it everywhere... didn't think you could get it in your pit? Your face? Your elbow? Surprise!
2. Back pain. Partly you feel this shooting pain because your body is punishing you... and partly it's because your boobs will become the size of a small aircraft carrier and they will weigh twice that. Trust me... I weighed them.
3. Wanna poop? Not going to happen. Sorry. It's just not. You will see your next normal bowel movement in 9 months.
4. Your hair. It's going to change. And not in a pretty, luscious way... in a kinky, falling out sort of a way. Super special.
5. Shut Eye. You start sleeping around. Not in slutty way. In a 'I'm so exhausted, I just walked from the bed to couch I think I'll just sit on the couch for a......" And you fall asleep sitting up... for two hours. Exhausted.
6. Bloat. Everything on you swells. My toes look like little sausages. My face looks like a swollen china doll. I look like I have a beer gut. It's just all sorts of sexy. Thank goodness for tenting clothes.
7. Food. You think about it. You have to have it. Every meal, every snack, is a constant battle between cravings and logic. Cravings win, just warning you.
8. Annoyances. Everyone will annoy you. Keep it inside. Trust me. In ten minutes you'll love them again... unless it's someone you didn't like to start out with.... then let it fly. Later you can blame it on hormones.
9. Everyone will eventually give you advice. Ignore it. Especially if this isn't your first and every time someone does, mark it in a note book. In 9 months count it up and have a HUGE glass of wine for each one of those times you wished you could drink.... and couldn't.
10. Reminder. Every week in your first trimester is a nagging reminder you have at least 27 more weeks of this... and you are ONLY at the beginning. This is what meditation is for. If you are smart you'll start meditating a lot. Trust me. Do it. For your sake and the babies.... And remember, this is the only time in life you can force people to be nice to you and do stuff for you with no reasoning except for the fact that your fat. And you don't want to do anything.

Happy Tuesday (and pregnancy.... if you're knocked up too!)

PS. Look! I have a little baby arm muscle! Yeah!