Thursday, June 6, 2013

Unhealthy love.

I don't know if I mentioned this before, but as a wee one I grew up on a farm in Jamestown, IN. Be jealous. 

Anywhodiddle, I loved it, I was very one with nature there.... we raised animals *cough, cough* cats.... we explored, we had a good childhood there.... then we moved to Northwest Indiana.... thanks mom and dad. (I kid, I kid)

But, while I lived on the farm I was somewhat (TOTALLY) a tomboy. I played with guns, camo, dirt, and I kind of dressed like one too. Here are some of the examples of clothing choices I made: 

My uncle would send his old camo to us.....I wore them. As clothes.

Khols always had the best selection of cargos... in the boys section for me. 

These bad boys #forlife

My all time favorites looked like these (That my father bleached)

It got so bad that my dad was embarrassed to be seen with me when I dressed like this and he 'accidentally' (completely on purpose) bleached my beloved cargo pants and threw them away.... much to his she-grin I found them, got them out of the trash.... and still wore them. Because I was a boy. Pretty much. Minus the obvious lack in anatomy. After that he took matters even more into his own hands when Easter rolled around one year, and I refused to get out of my overalls. Yes. I'm telling the truth. My father took me to Nordstrom's and stuck me in the middle of a section of dresses and said, 'We aren't leaving till you pick one.' I cried. Bawled in the middle of the store. I pleaded. I asked him, "Why are you forcing me They dress so stupid.... do you want me to be slutty??" His response? "No, I just want people to know I don't have two sons.... go try this on." 

He really had a way with words. 

So I tried the dress on. We got it. I wore it for the next three Easters. 

It took me a while to come to grips with the fact that I had lady bits, I was a lady, and I was not a little farm boy anymore..... pretty much until I made it half way through high school. And I don't have those urges anymore like I used to, those longings for cargos, camo, and simpler times.... well, there is one thing. One item that I still crave from time to time to rock: 


I can't help it. They call my name. I LOVE overalls. LOVE LOVE LOVE. It's unhealthy. But it's who I once was and still desire to be sometimes. So there you have it, a little history on this face.

Be Afraid.

Happy almost Friday! 


  1. I totally get it. I still have a pair of Army Green Cargos tucked away in my bureau. I sneak them out from time to time to wear them in secret...
