Wednesday, June 11, 2014


I am stuffing my face with a chocolate sour cream cake filled with chocolate mousse covered in chocolate ganache. Stick that in your pipe and smoke it. Why am I doing this, you may ask?

I'm turning 27 tomorrow, I will also be 27 weeks pregnant and officially in my third trimester. So, I deserve the cake. The cake deserves me. The fact that it made me swell up so much I had to take my bra off to finish it means nothing to me at this time.

Pregnancy.... it's a lot of kicks.

Man this cake is good.

Things I've learned over my second trimester now that it finally is coming to a close:

1. Sodium is not my friend, but I have an unhealthy love for it all the same.

2. Sometimes getting dressed is just too much work.

3. I'm pretty much a super hero.... and I should get way more high fives than I have been getting....

4. The belly band is a sufficating life saver... you must choose: back relief without the ability to breathe or a low belly and back pain....

5. If you aren't nice to me during my pregnancy... you don't get to hold my baby... I don't care who you are.

6. Pregnancy is magical and all that crap but I swear I may cry the first night I don't feel something kicking me at night, even if it is only for an hour.

7. I love bikinis though it may be unsightly for those around me, it's the only thing that doesn't constrict me.... hence the kiddy pool I just bought. No one needs to see this in all it's glory.

8. After my first trimester the emotions have subsided. Thank God. Wanting to cry all the time was a little much. Now I just cry when people hurt my feelings or call me thick. Both logical things to cry about.

9. I have lost my passion... for shopping. It's really devistating (not for my husband, I'm sure) but my growing waste line has really limited my joy for clothes these days. I keep trying to remind myself I only have 13 weeks till I can start enjoying it again... but it seems so long from now!

10. Finally, I can't tie my shoes anymore without sitting down first. I am almost 27 and I can't bend over. I am now going finish this cake... because I can.

Yesterday was a better day food wise... tomorrow will be too. Some days you just need to embrace the bump... and indulge.

Enjoying out Summer Break so far :)


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