Monday, June 16, 2014

27 weeks + 3 days.... not that I'm counting.

I am officially in my third trimester, and I am feeling all sorts of wonderful swollen-ness, exhaustion, and hunger these days. 

The heat makes me forget to eat, and then the dizziness and kicking always remind me to stuff my face... food has been my vice... and my passion as of late.

I try to find outfits that don't make me feel huge but we are to the point where everything is making me feel huge... it really hasn't been that fun. I keep telling myself 13 more weeks... 13 more weeks (or less if I'm lucky) and then I will be back on track to my pre-pre-baby weight. 

I am still trying to maintain my workouts, and even if I don't have the endurance like I used too, I try to get something in 5 times a week. 

Right now I am trying to curb my cravings with Special K pastry crisps and Fiber One lemon bars... It's working... for the moment.

It has been hitting me a lot more lately how soon this all is going to happen... I am excited and shocked all at the same time. This week I am working on my hospital bag... because of my blood pressure mr. man could be here anytime after August 15th.... (less than 9 weeks away now) and that is crazy to me! 

I'll be sharing my 'must haves' for my hospital bag (c-section version) later this month with all of you. 

Now that I have my bags out... It's just a matter of packing. Which in my sleepy state these days, is easier said than done!

Workout clothes are officially my best friends in this last wonderful trimester... I have a feeling that will probably be my wardrobe for the next few weeks, and in no way am I upset about it.

Hope you guys are having a great Monday, it's nap time for me!


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