Friday, January 31, 2014

My Foundation Favorites

I've been waiting way to long to post again... but guess what?? We have internet again! I almost cried when I went to log in to today after it was installed, and I found out blogger wasn't working! But it's back up again (obviously).... thank goodness!

Today I have two foundations that I am currently obsessed with, and shocked about it! They are both Rimmel foundations that I grabbed on a whim, $3.97 each. 

The first is the Rimmel Clean Finish Foundation, it's not a matte foundation so I do use powder on my T-zone and around my nose, but it's coverage is amazing! It is also buildable if you have areas that you need to cover and don't want to/need to use concealer.
Tried it right after I self-tanned this week.
And later in the week as well
The second foundation is Rimmel Stay Matte Liquid Mousse Foundation, it is so amazing. I purchased it two weeks ago and it had me at hello.... the coverage is amazing and it feels so light that I can't even tell I'm wearing anything, which is always a huge plus. 
I am just obsessed with how smooth this coverage is, and because it's Matte there is no need for powder!

It may have lasted through my workout too.... not that I worked out with it on to see how it held up :)
The only problem I have with them is they are so hard to find! (Thank you Walmart for being the only place in town that keeps these two products stocked.) 

I have tried and fallen in love with these two (even though I swore I wasn't going to test anymore drug store items for a while) and I definitely recommend them.

Have a great weekend! (Stay tuned next Friday, big news coming!) 

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Weird 2014.

I was thinking about weird things that could, but probably won't, happen in 2014. I thought I would share my thoughts just so you can have a view into the odd, wonderful world that is my brain space. 

My top ten wish these would happen but probably won't in 2014:

1. Kim Jong-Un sends me a friend request, and I deny it.....

2. Nicolas Cage and I finally have a twerk off... and I let him win....

3. I buy a pet Ligar.... because now they really exist....

4. I have a jam session with Prince and he's impressed with my mad guitar skills.... I become his new muse.

5. I invent a new cookie.... and it's better than all the other cookies in the world....

6. I win the Indy 500.... and I didn't even practice.

7. They create a Bethanie Prize... it's just like the Noble Prize, but better.

8. Obama lets me take over finances for a while....

9. Girl Scouts make a Calorie free line... and it's just as good...

10. And I finally allowed to buy my family of miniature horses....

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Drugstore Makeup, No Internet....Life ramblings :)

First things first, I have been without internet for a week and a half now.... and yes, it has been awful... I am very sorry for the lack of posts but I think if I tried to post from my phone it would probably be just as bad as me not writing at all.

Second, Thank you everyone for reading! I can't believe we've past 10K views :) I feel special... you made me feel special.

Third, there is SO much going on in our lives, it's kind of ridiculous...ridiculously good. But I will post more on all of that in the coming weeks. 

Less importantly I am going to complain of my sheer lack in makeup staples over the past few weeks that are in my skin tone currently. It's sad really, I am out of base... I'm out of primer.... I'm out of concealer!!! I mean, BASICS, they are no where to be found in my awesome makeup case..... it's just sad. 

Here are some items that I am going to be testing out in the next few weeks, thanks to 

I know it's not that much, but I have some items that I am lusting after at Ulta that I am waiting to tryout and I am kind of done reviewing anymore drugstore items for a while... not completely just for the next month or so after these. 

After I give them a week or two, I will let you guys know what I think. What are you guys loving right now?

PS. I was going to write more but I am engulfed in a horrible overdose of perfume by the lady next to me at Starbucks at the moment and I am probably going to puke on her if I don't leave... right now. :) 

Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

What I Want Wednesday.

I haven't really made a 'Want' list in a while so I thought I would today! 

I have more than enough when it comes to my closet, but (like most fashion worshipers) I am always looking for something new, different, shiny.... 

Here is my Wednesday Wishlist:
January Wish List

(Click on item to be directed to website)

I kind of feel like I NEED the Daisy shirt... it's just too cute :)

Ok, now I'm going to go back to being sick as a dog.......

(Time to play with Makeup :))

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Cabin Fever Tomato Basil Soup.

Yesterday I decided that I was going to make Tomato Basil Soup, it's a favorite in our house....but of course, when you are stuck indoors you don't always have all the ingredients you need (Thankfully I did have what I needed because my hubby braved the snow yesterday, not once but twice, to get ingredients for goodies for the week to come) I was searching for an easy, tasty recipe that I could make on the quick. It turned out pretty great if I do say so myself....

Here it is:

Cabin Fever Tomato Basil Soup


4 Cups of Tomato Juice
28 oz. of crushed Tomatoes
14 fresh Basil Leaves
1-2 Tsp. Garlic Salt
1-2 Tsp. Crushed Black Pepper
1-2 Tsp. Sea Salt
1-2 Tsp. Crushed Red Pepper

Add all these ingredients into a pot on the stove heat to medium and let it simmer for 30-45 minutes. 

Remove from heat and blend. Add back to pot and combine:

1 stick (1/2 Cup) of unsalted butter
1 Cup of Heavy Whipping Cream

Heat on low for 15-20 minutes. Remove from heat. Top with Grated Parmesian to taste and serve!

Like I said, easy, fast, and also all in one pot which makes me SOOO happy! 

Monday, January 6, 2014

Snow. Days.

Well, Day two of cabin fever :) I guess it really constitutes as day one since we did actually leave the house yesterday before the roads were closed. I am currently rocking coconut oil in my hair (my favorite hair treatment when it is overly dry) and I am very tempted to maybe clean out the bathrooms. (Deep clean.... leaving nothing but essentials) as I get older I've realized, other than makeup, I am very tried and true to the products I use on my hair, face, and teeth. I'm okay with that. 

On that note I am interested in finding a better body wash... something that doesn't dry me out and force me to lather myself in coco butter every time I take a shower. Any Suggestions?? 

We live close to the heart of our little/big town and on a main drive, thanks to that I have seen a barrage of plow trucks and tow trucks. I predict that there is going to be a very ansy six year old bursting through the house in about an hour and lasting till bed time... I also predict that there is going to be tomato basil soup on the stove very soon simmering all day :) 

I hope everyone in the vicinity is staying warm, stuffed, and happy! 

Happy Monday!

Stay Warm!

Sunday, January 5, 2014


Happy New Years, Loves! Can you believe that it is 2014?? 

I am currently sitting inside my (thankfully) warm house watching the snow fall at a rapid rate. Thank you NWI, I believe we are behind the times with global warming... maybe next year.

I feel as though the past few weeks were a blur.... I have so much to post about and review and tell you about this new year, I guess that is something to look forward to in the coming weeks? 

A few facts about my new year so far?

1. Our Christmas tree is still up...and it is BEYOND dead.

2. I am the mother of a six year old. SIX. I cried, many times on her birthday. MANY. 

3. I am excited about what this year is going to bring... (I have an idea of a few things but I'll just surprise you guys with that when it happens. Deal with it ;)

4. I have been cleaning out the house like it's not even funny. I want our family to ultimately be way more minimalist than we were before.... I will keep you posted on this.

5. I am a stay at home (in school) mommy as of last month. I am totally adjusting to this... there has been a lot more baking and cooking going on. I have a feeling this will aid in some future recipe blogs... how do you guys feel about this?

6. And I am also going to start some Youtubing.. for real. I know I had said that before... tried... then failed... but I think I can actually do it. Let me know if there is anything you want to see.

7. Finally, I am officially over Birchbox. Does anyone else agree with me? It's been horrible. Also, do you have any new box subscriptions that you are loving that I should try?? Let me know! 

Happy 2014 from my family to yours. Let's make it awesome!