Thursday, December 19, 2013

Makeup Favorites, Update.

Lately I have been madly in love with a few products that I feel naked without.... And I thought I would share those with you this cold, blah morning. Makeup makes everything better, don't you agree?? 

First I am in love with a non-drugstore base for the first time in forever! The Lorac Natural Performance Foundation.

Next, I am a sucker for Wet and Wild, most people know that about me... their makeup is not only nostalgic for me, it also is really great quality for the most part. I have been addicted to the Wet and Wild Walking on Eggshells eyeshadow palette that breaks the bank at a whopping $2.99. 
Then I've been using a blush by Pixie as my contouring powder on my nonexistent cheekbones and it is AMAZING. I love it, the color is Healthiest Honey and its just enough color to give a great shadow but not a bronzer that I usually overpower my face with ;) (Far left color)

I have always purchased powder highlighters because I just trust them, I know they work and I have had  good success with them, but I got a kit last month that had Benefits Sun Beam in it... what was wrong with me all these years??? I am madly in love with this highlighter! I put a dab of it on each one of my cheekbones (right under the outside corners of my eyes) and it blends perfectly with my foundation. 
I highly recommend these products if you are looking to test out some new (oldies but goodies) products! 

Happy Thursday!

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Not so TMI

 I had a few rough days last week and this week and ended up in the hospital... I'm fine, but the outcome was that I was given a few different prescriptions to aid in a speedy recovery. I don't usually ever, ever take medication unless I am forced too....

Within a few days of taking the medication I was prescribed, I noticed that I was experiencing some of the side effects that the information packet said may occur during the time that I take the medication, until it is completely out of my system. First thought.... this is not going to be pleasant. 

I discontinued the medication immediately and prayed that miraculously the side effects would stop. Right. At. That. Moment. But the didn't stop, they got worst, probably because the medication was still working its way through my system. 

Now to spare you the details I am going to leave the side effects to the imagination... but they were not fun, one specifically. 

Monday rolled around and the symptoms were getting more annoying. I was working and my discomfort out weighed my ability to work properly, so I went home. When I made it home I realized the one product I needed to aid in my discomfort, I ran out of. Surprising? Not really. 

I headed to the store with one item on my shopping list, and I needed it now. Made it to the store, and there were no parking spots... none. And the idea of walking, just the idea, pained me... but I powered through. I walked the half mile from my car to the store, which was the closest parking spot I could get, and made it in... only to get bombarded with crazy holiday shoppers. It was rough.... there was pushing, bumping, and even name calling and that was just me.... I hate going to the store during the holiday season.... it steals my holiday joy. 

I find my product, I finally made it out, and I made it home.   

I am fine now, I'm over my ailments... but for the brief time in life, I was miserable... and I needed you all to understand my pain. 

Happy Hump Day!!

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Back in the Saddle.

It takes time. Obviously. And I am no closer to my normal self, and I don't know what that is or if I will ever find it. But I am someone else now, and that is okay. I hope that I am a wiser person for it, I think much more now, I accept much more now, and I understand the value of taking my time now more than ever. Time is precious, don't waste it on anyone that does not mean the world to you. 

So today, for the first time I am taking a long breath and I am climbing back into the saddle. I have tried to write. I've started sentences many times over the past few weeks, but every time that I do, it all just comes back to him... to Tyler... to all the questions I have for him... all the words that are left in my heart for him... and when those come, I stop typing. (and usually I start crying) I talk to him, often, don't worry. I am grieving the best that I can... but I, now, here, I want to come back to you all and write about what makes me happy... all the superficial things that don't take effort to write  about. I cannot promise that I won't write about my feelings, and I cannot promise that I won't mention how I am feeling now and again. But for today and for now I am back to blog about gooey crap, funny moments, and those things in life that just keep me going. Thank you for your patience. 


My World. Let's get ready for the holidays!

Monday, November 11, 2013

A Ripe Mosaic


I never know how to start something that I know will be difficult to write. And today, especially, I don't know how to write about death. I am sure there is someone out there that is well versed in the eloquence needed to write on those that have passed on. I am a religious person, and I am sure I could lead off with that foot... but for me in this moment that is not what I am looking for. I am not mad at God. I am not angry at Him for this death, I find it immature when people use that cop-out. We are a product of our own doing from the moment we can comprehend right and wrong till our last breath. I am not saying that is true, that is my truth. So, today though I may not be ready too, I am going to write about my loss. 

I felt love at a very young age. Real, unconditional, true love. He came into this world, to annoy the hell out of me September 21, 1989. He was rough, he was loud, he was sneaky, he broke things, and more than anything he frustrated me. We fought, we bickered, and even at times I begged God to let me sell him for a kitten. God obviously knew something I didn't. In the midst of the bloody noses and the minor concussions.... we became best friends. We knew everything about each other. We knew each others fears, dreams, wants, and needs. He was my platonic first love. 

As we grew up I never needed anyone to make me feel special because I already had that someone. He fiercely protected me just as much as he fought with me. We learned how to be independent... together. We supported each others failures and successes. We lied for each other. We imagined for each other. He loved me the way I dreamt someday a man would love me forever, and I him. He loved me when I didn't deserve it and no one else did. 

When I made mistakes, over and over again, he told me not to mind what others thought... because he knew I did. I followed him to every music gig I could possible. I wanted to be by his side always. And now I've failed him in that respect.

Please don't console me. That's not what I'm asking. That isn't the reason I'm writing this. I don't pity myself or the time that I won't have with him. I ache because I lost my best friend. I ache because so many thought/think they knew him the way I did. I ache because I see the hole that his absence has left so many. It pains me to know the dark secrets that I do, that no one will ever know but me now. It hurts to see so many people that didn't care for him, act like they give a rats ass now...even worse that they have the audacity to contact me (pigs). 

But for those that loved him, thank you. You're love is felt by me. Everyday I feel your love. Every moment I loose my breath, I take another one knowing there is love out there for him still and the one of a kind being he was. You make me smile when all I can do is cry, your faces, even if not in front of me, remind me how important it is to keep loving. For everything that he was, and everything he did, and everything he was judged for.... there is one thing he did better than anyone else I've ever met. He LOVED the hell out of those around him. He hugged like a maniac, he cared-not just listened-he cared because he loved you and me. 

Remember him for that please. That is all I'm asking. If I could get one massive gift from anyone, when you think of him... think of that massive heart of his. That loved like literally no one I ever have met did. 

That fucking love has carried me the past few weeks.

To all of you, thank you. Thank you, and you know who you are for keeping me loved, keeping him loved.

(Mini was there too.... in my belly)

I promise you, my love, I will always keep you closer to my heart that you can comprehend and ever did. I will not let those that hurt you before hurt me our those we love, ever. I will make sure you are in my heart always and that you feel it, where ever you are. See you in my dreams honey.

Play on.

Friday, October 25, 2013

Forever Yours.

Nostalgia has apparently set in. It's probably Fall Break, but I was looking at my sassy little angel this morning while we had breakfast and I couldn't believe how blessed I've been to have her in my life. She is an amazing person and I can't wait to see who she becomes. I am in love. Through the years no matter how other people have acted or been, she has always been my best friend, I am truly blessed to have her in my life. My world:

Her first week
Her first year
Her second year.

Her third year
Her fourth year 

This Mother's Day
This Month

I've got you babe. 

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

This, is Your Video:

I love Youtube. Most people know this about me. I was going through my subscriptions and thought that  there are a few videos that really could make people smile, reach people where they are, or they just are videos that I like and I wanted to share. Here they are:

1. If you need to tell your parents you are pregnant, this is your video:

2. If you need to make a mixed drink, this is your video:

3. If you are drunk and need to put makeup on, this is your video:

4. If you want to tryout a new look, this is your video:

5. If you like Molly Ringwald, this is your video: 


6. you want to make a meal, this is your video:

7. If you like coffee, this is your video:

8. If you have a gay husband, this is your video:

9. If you're a girl, this is your video:

10. If you aren't allergic to rabbies, this is your video:

Happy Hump Day, hope it fulfilling!

My Ninja outfit for the day.

Monday, October 21, 2013

First World Problems.

There are a lot of things that I don't understand, but this week I had some items that have been perplexing me that I wanted to share....

1. Why, when I buy bathing suits that Gisele models do I still NOT look like her when I wear them? I'm just saying... does that count as false advertising? I think so. 

2. Self tanner stains..... white sheets. I mean really. When will the senseless staining stop??
This Lady gets what I'm saying. \
3. Yoga before 7 am. Ugh. Just, ugh. The class I want to go to always starts at 6 am. Commme on. Mama needs her beauty rest. 

4. Where has Ja Rule been? I need him back in my morning jams, with new tunes. Get on that Ja Rule, get. on. it. 

5. Shaving legs in the Fall/Winter. What's that about? As soon as you step outside of the shower the game is up. I think women should ALSO celebrate No Shave November. Who's with me??

6. The fact that this show isn't still around:

7. Or this one:

8. Piggyback Rides, why don't they happen all the time. I'm not too old.

9. Spice Girls, their breakup still haunts me. I'm mad about it. Still. 

10.Only thing that is not annoying me today:


Saturday, October 19, 2013

I'm Backkkk.

When I think of love stories depicted on film, my head always wanders directly to 'When Harry Met Sally'. It is the epitome of a perfect love story to me, the ups the downs, the missed connections and finally the union of two imperfect people that are imperfectly perfect for each other. That, to me, is more realistic than any other rom-com out there... and there are so many quotes that I love, that make me tear up, that make me smile, but this one takes the cake. I believe that for most anyone out there they want to be loved like this, even if they don't know it yet:

“I love that you get cold when it's 71 degrees out. I love that it takes you an hour and a half to order a sandwich. I love that you get a little crinkle above your nose when you're looking at me like I'm nuts. I love that after I spend the day with you, I can still smell your perfume on my clothes. And I love that you are the last person I want to talk to before I go to sleep at night. And it's not because I'm lonely, and it's not because it's New Year's Eve. I came here tonight because when you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible.” ― Nora EphronWhen Harry Met Sally

And every time I hear Billy Crystal say that to Meg Ryan, this is the face I make:

Love Kids, it's whats for breakfast. Have a great weekend!

Friday, October 11, 2013

Fashion Friday Mishap.

Sooooo, I was going to do fashion Friday, and then I didn't because I'm sick and I felt gross... and the only thing that makes me feel un-gross is my loves, and since Mr. S is at work the pressure fell on Mini :) Thank goodness she had the day off to play. Here is our morning in pictures.... yes, she is amazing. I know.

My cuddle butt.
Lip Gloss Problems.
Love her snuggles.
My Mini.
Missing our Plus 3 :(

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Hump Day. Dump Day.

I am dumping a big load of awesomeness on you guys today.... actually I am just going to post some pictures of my happenings so far this week. Sorry. Not Sorry: 
This kid. We experimented with curls this week.
Today was part one of getting me back to a blonder life. Thank you Melissa!
There was a lot of snuggles between these two.
We've been super serious.
Fell in love with this idea! Thanks Emily :)
Seriously?? How cute?? Mr. S?? 
We got into the SPIRIT of things :)
We matched. We like too.
I've been hooked up to a Bubble Tea IV.
So there. WA-BAM.... dumping some images on you. Happy Hump Day... don't get too crazy. I'm going to hang with my pet snake now. Be Jealous. 

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Monday Confessions.... It's happening, on Tuesday.

So, so, so sorry! It has been over a week of this hasn't it? I have just been out of it, tired (not pregnant), exhausted. I blame the weather. And the dogs. And my new/old bed. I slept in on Sunday till 2.... PM. 2PM!! I haven't done that since my pre-baby days. I loved it. Sleep, it's a novel thing. I think I will try to do that more often. Anyway, Sorry I'm a day late. But yesterday inspired my post for today..... And so did my sleepiness. 

Those Pants

I have some pants. They have been in my life longer than my own child. They are sleep pants. If you know me, you know I don't 'do' sleep pants, but these pants, they are the exception. I am going to give you an unbias detailed account of what these pants look like now:

They have two rips in the seam of the crotch. I have not fixed them (they have been there for over five years, they are probably not going to be fixed any time soon either). There is also a line of discoloration and another hole (on the butt) from where I spilled bleach on them.... and didn't know it. There are paint marks over part of one of the thighs. They are draw string and were originally black all over. They are the softest cotton. Ever. Probably due to constant wear and washing.... 

When I put these pants on I instantly feel ten years younger. I feel giddy. They make me smile. They make feel at home, no matter where I am (usually of course at home because they are not appropriate for public viewing). 

I can't even show you a picture of them. I can't. I'm sorry. The reason these are coming up now is because last night something magical happened. I found these pants when I was searching for something to steal from Mr. S out of our closet. Because obviously his clothes are way more comfortable to wear than my own. But these pants, they are just as comfy as his stuff (Yes, I still stole a shirt from him..because I needed too... OK?) And I realized as I was putting these heavenly pants on that Mr. S had never witnessed the magic that was THESE PANTS. I blushed. I actually blushed when I realized that normal people don't wear pants like this and he was going to see me in one of my truest forms. But then I got over it and walked in the room like I owned those pants. And he once again showed me how awesome he was by not only not judging my pants, but not being surprised that I would wear something like them on the reg. I'm probably going to wear them today too. Comfort: It's what's for dinner. And Sleep. And my life right now. Because the world is like my own personal nap cot these days. 

Happy Tuesday!!


We finally did family Pictures with Krystal Shaw Photography. Blog to follow at how much I love how our pictures turned out! (She's awesome so it's not surprising)

Friday, October 4, 2013

Friday Fashion: My Fall Basic Looks

Guess what?? I got a new lens. The camera is back in action, and I'm so excited about it. Today is Friday and you know what that means?? Fashion Friday. Today I am debuting my new lens with my looks. No more selfies in the mirror peeps! Here they are:

Casual slouchy sweater from Gap with Seven Flare jeans.
Date night outfit idea.
Casual Day look. I love lightweight sweaters!
Obsessed with Express skirts this Summer/Fall.
And Evergreen is one of my favorite colors for this Fall. 
So that is what I've been wearing this week! Hope you guys have a great Friday! 

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Wednesday.... What??

After trying to figure out what I wanted to blog about today, I came across this....

And I am seriously ticked off we didn't do this first. there are no words. This. Is. Perfection.

Redo Mr. Smith?? :)

Happy Hump Day.

Monday, September 30, 2013

Monday Moments.

Do you just have those days where you can't get started? I have been going since 5:45 AM and I have gotten a lot done but I haven't really been into it. There is pumpkin bread in the oven. A sleepy/sick baby that stayed home from school today in our Master, laundry has all been cleaned, folded, and put away... and the kitchen is almost completely clean.... but my head just hasn't been in today. I guess there isn't much thought that needs to go into a Monday though, right? 

So instead I will plan my menu for the week, vacuum, and watch HBO kids with my Mini.....

Here's what has been going on in our neck of the woods:

We've had family birthdays, dance classes, puppy snuggles, and electronic shopping:

 New house items, coffee with cats, Italian beef, and healthy crap for breakfast:

Have a good Monday, I am pretty sure that I am going to stuff my face with pumpkin bread, and cover it with butter cream icing now. Be jealous.