Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Monday Confessions.... It's happening, on Tuesday.

So, so, so sorry! It has been over a week of this hasn't it? I have just been out of it, tired (not pregnant), exhausted. I blame the weather. And the dogs. And my new/old bed. I slept in on Sunday till 2.... PM. 2PM!! I haven't done that since my pre-baby days. I loved it. Sleep, it's a novel thing. I think I will try to do that more often. Anyway, Sorry I'm a day late. But yesterday inspired my post for today..... And so did my sleepiness. 

Those Pants

I have some pants. They have been in my life longer than my own child. They are sleep pants. If you know me, you know I don't 'do' sleep pants, but these pants, they are the exception. I am going to give you an unbias detailed account of what these pants look like now:

They have two rips in the seam of the crotch. I have not fixed them (they have been there for over five years, they are probably not going to be fixed any time soon either). There is also a line of discoloration and another hole (on the butt) from where I spilled bleach on them.... and didn't know it. There are paint marks over part of one of the thighs. They are draw string and were originally black all over. They are the softest cotton. Ever. Probably due to constant wear and washing.... 

When I put these pants on I instantly feel ten years younger. I feel giddy. They make me smile. They make feel at home, no matter where I am (usually of course at home because they are not appropriate for public viewing). 

I can't even show you a picture of them. I can't. I'm sorry. The reason these are coming up now is because last night something magical happened. I found these pants when I was searching for something to steal from Mr. S out of our closet. Because obviously his clothes are way more comfortable to wear than my own. But these pants, they are just as comfy as his stuff (Yes, I still stole a shirt from him..because I needed too... OK?) And I realized as I was putting these heavenly pants on that Mr. S had never witnessed the magic that was THESE PANTS. I blushed. I actually blushed when I realized that normal people don't wear pants like this and he was going to see me in one of my truest forms. But then I got over it and walked in the room like I owned those pants. And he once again showed me how awesome he was by not only not judging my pants, but not being surprised that I would wear something like them on the reg. I'm probably going to wear them today too. Comfort: It's what's for dinner. And Sleep. And my life right now. Because the world is like my own personal nap cot these days. 

Happy Tuesday!!


We finally did family Pictures with Krystal Shaw Photography. Blog to follow at how much I love how our pictures turned out! (She's awesome so it's not surprising)


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