Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Not so TMI

 I had a few rough days last week and this week and ended up in the hospital... I'm fine, but the outcome was that I was given a few different prescriptions to aid in a speedy recovery. I don't usually ever, ever take medication unless I am forced too....

Within a few days of taking the medication I was prescribed, I noticed that I was experiencing some of the side effects that the information packet said may occur during the time that I take the medication, until it is completely out of my system. First thought.... this is not going to be pleasant. 

I discontinued the medication immediately and prayed that miraculously the side effects would stop. Right. At. That. Moment. But the didn't stop, they got worst, probably because the medication was still working its way through my system. 

Now to spare you the details I am going to leave the side effects to the imagination... but they were not fun, one specifically. 

Monday rolled around and the symptoms were getting more annoying. I was working and my discomfort out weighed my ability to work properly, so I went home. When I made it home I realized the one product I needed to aid in my discomfort, I ran out of. Surprising? Not really. 

I headed to the store with one item on my shopping list, and I needed it now. Made it to the store, and there were no parking spots... none. And the idea of walking, just the idea, pained me... but I powered through. I walked the half mile from my car to the store, which was the closest parking spot I could get, and made it in... only to get bombarded with crazy holiday shoppers. It was rough.... there was pushing, bumping, and even name calling and that was just me.... I hate going to the store during the holiday season.... it steals my holiday joy. 

I find my product, I finally made it out, and I made it home.   

I am fine now, I'm over my ailments... but for the brief time in life, I was miserable... and I needed you all to understand my pain. 

Happy Hump Day!!


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