Monday, May 19, 2014

23 Weeks Pregnant.

I'll be 6 months this Friday and I really can't believe how fast it has gone... It obviously hasn't been easy but I am so excited I'm over halfway done. I cannot wait to meet our little man! 

We have been planning our Summer and I can't wait to get started. Here is my 23 week update:

23 Weeks:

How far along am I: 23 weeks
Gender: Boy
Weight Gain: Two Pounds
What I'm wearing: Officially wore my last pair of jeans last Friday
Stretch Marks: None 
Belly Button, in or out: In, partly
Sleep: Horrible, but with my mountain of strategic pillows I am managing
Missing Something? I am missing the feeling of not being kicked constantly
Movement: Nonstop, the ultrasound tech said she had never seen such an active baby
Cravings: Change every two seconds
Sick? No
Looking Forward To: Sitting up without help... in four months :)
Favorites Last Week: Spending time with my family this weekend

We are all so excited about this journey, and we are even more excited about meeting our new addition! 

Happy Monday!


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