Tuesday, May 6, 2014

21 weeks pregnant!

I'm back! I took a little hiatus, it has been crazy busy around here lately. And I'm growing steadily :)

I may or may not be eating candy as I type.... after I just finished a plate of peppered tomatoes. This is my pregnancy in a nutshell.

I am now just shy of 22 weeks pregnant, and feeling every inch of it. I am still at my starting weight, I went down the first few weeks of pregnancy and now am back at my start weight. I went to see my doctor today and she reassured me that I was okay at this weight and I only have to gain another two by next month.... I am sure I can make that happen :)

We found out.... we are having a boy!! I am so excited, we all are. And I've already started on the nursery. We don't have much but it is getting there and I can't wait to show you guys when it is all done!

Last week I finally had to slow down my workouts and I took a week off, and this week I've been trying to stay busy while being smart about what I'm doing, I am finally seeing my limitations. I try to remind myself that I only have 4.5 months to go (or less) before I can bet back to my old self... or better!

Next week I go in for more set measurements and hopefully my due date (officially) today she let know that he might be here a little sooner than expected but I don't want to get my hopes up yet....

Our Summer is already booking up and I can't wait to see how it all goes, I love how fun it already has been... I'm just hoping that I can keep up!

21 weeks pregnant!


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