Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Lazy Girls Workout Schedule

I like to avoid this conversation at all cost because it is...sticky. 

I know when you are pregnant you don't want to workout, you don't want to get out of bed half the time. Trust me. I get it. I'm there most days. 

I also know that cravings are no joke. I just had a chocolate cone dipped in chocolate with cheese curds on the side from DQ,

I am all about embracing pregnancy... the good, the bad, and the uncomfortable.... I'm all about it. 

With my first pregnancy I gained over 45 pounds... and I was 20 pounds lighter than I am today but that was seven years ago... I'm older and not as susseptable to change these days.

So when I found out I was pregnant this time around I wanted to do things differently... not for my husband, not for my family, not for the public opinion... I wanted to be the healthiest version of myself for my baby and me. 

I started to workout the moment that I found out I was growing Mr. Man... and I have had waves of not working out (which is to be expected with pregnancy exhaustion) but I've stayed pretty consistent. I know my limitations, and I continue to consult with my doctor when I want to try new things, or increase what I am consistently doing.

I have gained muscle and I feel stronger than I have in years.... but I am pacing myself at the same time. What I have found that works for me is pretty much a variation of the following:

(I don't have pictures or diagrams but if you want that, I can post them next time just let me know!)

Three days a week I spin on my bike 25-40 minutes at a medium speed and retention.

 Then I will try to add 15-20 minutes of regulated reps (HIIT method: High intensity interval training) of workouts approved for preggo bumps like me:

I am an addict to:

1. squats (weighted, wide, side squats, etc variations)
2. leg lift variations
3.Russian twists
4. lunges
5. Kettle Bell Swings
6. High Knee (harder to do the further your pregnancy)
7. Planking
8. Pushup rotations
9. And arm isolated workouts 

I find that HIIT workouts get the fastest results for me personally without expending my whole days energy. 
On the days that I don't spin I try to do my HIIT workouts for 30 minutes and then again later in the day for 10-20... My goal is to workout 5 days a week. Some weeks it's less, some weeks it's more. But I never overdo myself, and you really should not when you are pregnant. On the days I rest I stay active as much as I can, cleaning, painting, etc. But I know that around 4/5 at night I am done and I let myself rest. Rest is key for a healthy pregnancy no matter who you are! I hope this helps mama's out there that are trying to stay in shape while pregnant!

Happy Wednesday!

Monday, May 19, 2014

23 Weeks Pregnant.

I'll be 6 months this Friday and I really can't believe how fast it has gone... It obviously hasn't been easy but I am so excited I'm over halfway done. I cannot wait to meet our little man! 

We have been planning our Summer and I can't wait to get started. Here is my 23 week update:

23 Weeks:

How far along am I: 23 weeks
Gender: Boy
Weight Gain: Two Pounds
What I'm wearing: Officially wore my last pair of jeans last Friday
Stretch Marks: None 
Belly Button, in or out: In, partly
Sleep: Horrible, but with my mountain of strategic pillows I am managing
Missing Something? I am missing the feeling of not being kicked constantly
Movement: Nonstop, the ultrasound tech said she had never seen such an active baby
Cravings: Change every two seconds
Sick? No
Looking Forward To: Sitting up without help... in four months :)
Favorites Last Week: Spending time with my family this weekend

We are all so excited about this journey, and we are even more excited about meeting our new addition! 

Happy Monday!

Thursday, May 8, 2014


Back in my third trimester I was living in warm Florida and I was very specific on what I did and did not want to eat. Prime Rib every night, sweet tea from Wendy's and a large fry for lunch, and usually for breakfast.... a large slice of white cake with white icing (that was the actual description on the container) from the bakery at Publix. Well, the sweet tea craving came back a few weeks ago.... and the steak craving is still at bay but that cake... that freaking cake is haunting my dreams.... I literally looked up FedEx charges for overnighting a whole cake. I did. Okay?

Turns out it takes a little more than I thought to get the cake here. So, though I really should be working out right now... I am heading to the grocery store to see if their cake is anything like Publix.... since now I'm so far away from my cake. If I wasn't pregnant I wouldn't want it... it really isn't that good. But, when you're pregnant there is no explanation for the things that we force feed ourselves. I know I'm not alone so don't even act like you (if you are pregnant) are not force feeding yourself twizzlers and fried chicken with a frosty right now. Don't EVEN......

Well... I am going to jog out to the car.... and get some cake.... I'll eat it after my workout, of course, post workout meal... you know... like a responsible, in control, human being.... or I may take a fork with me and and eat it on the way home... because I'm pregnant... and I'm an adult... and I do what I want.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

21 weeks pregnant!

I'm back! I took a little hiatus, it has been crazy busy around here lately. And I'm growing steadily :)

I may or may not be eating candy as I type.... after I just finished a plate of peppered tomatoes. This is my pregnancy in a nutshell.

I am now just shy of 22 weeks pregnant, and feeling every inch of it. I am still at my starting weight, I went down the first few weeks of pregnancy and now am back at my start weight. I went to see my doctor today and she reassured me that I was okay at this weight and I only have to gain another two by next month.... I am sure I can make that happen :)

We found out.... we are having a boy!! I am so excited, we all are. And I've already started on the nursery. We don't have much but it is getting there and I can't wait to show you guys when it is all done!

Last week I finally had to slow down my workouts and I took a week off, and this week I've been trying to stay busy while being smart about what I'm doing, I am finally seeing my limitations. I try to remind myself that I only have 4.5 months to go (or less) before I can bet back to my old self... or better!

Next week I go in for more set measurements and hopefully my due date (officially) today she let know that he might be here a little sooner than expected but I don't want to get my hopes up yet....

Our Summer is already booking up and I can't wait to see how it all goes, I love how fun it already has been... I'm just hoping that I can keep up!

21 weeks pregnant!