Wednesday, April 24, 2013

What's Up, Wednesday? (Bigger bed, Bigger Problem)

Wednesday seems to be rolling around about once a week these days. I'm okay with it. It reminds me either that my paycheck is around the corner or I'm at least a few short days away from the weekend. So, Wednesday is okay in my book. I've decided to make Wednesday apart of my bloggy life by asking what's up? Since the idea of calling it hump day makes me think of cellulite and camels, I just really don't feel like saying, "Happy Hump day"....yes, I just said it.....dang it. Any way, here is what is up: 

My bed.

My headboard was propped in my living room. #excitedface #hashtagonablog

It seemed like the right thing to do. After months, and months, and months of not actually putting my bed frame in, it seemed like the time had come. I had purchased this beauty from an amazingly talented photographer/artist over at Lady and the Lens and it was/is gorgeous. I just ogled it all the time, hoping (praying) that it would fit in my itty-bitty room. Then it hit me, it was time for the move. The bed move. And so it happened. 

Let's just talk about  this head board for a hot second. It covers my windows. Like, I had four and now I only have two. It completely covers them. Not just a little bit. Like, the whole thing. But I"m okay with that. I embrace the big head board. I am one with night.... or anytime I lay in the bed. 

There is a window back there....behind the bed. 

But lets talk about how I get into bed. This is where the issues start. I'm not short. I'm not massively tall but I am definitely not short. This bed, is a beast. When I sit on the edge my feet dangle, a foot about the ground. I'm just saying, it's weird. It probably doesn't help that I have a bed topper on top of this already huge bed...but it feels like a cloud (a need, not just a want). So getting into bed, as you can imagine, is not for the faint of heart:

1. I first like to try and get a running jump. This is an instant fail because there is no room left in my room for a running jump...or even a walking jump.
2. Next I try a few rock climbing moves. (I've got the skills, don't worry about it) Yet, the pillow topper is to soft to grab a hold of so instead I just land on my back. On the floor.
3. Then the whole, I'll just slide into it thing happens, I the floor.
4. Finally, stuff* gets real. Like. REAL. 
5. Grappling hook, heaving. Curses. Yelling. Bruises. 
6. Make it into bed. Then I realize I left the light on. 
7. Decide to just sleep with the stupid light on. 
8. Have dreams about how I will get into bed tomorrow night.
9. Hot sweats. Cold sweats
10. And repeat.

My brother is 6' 6"......scale for size. YEP.

Happy Wednesday, that's whats up! (Sooooo cheesy. I will work on that for next Wednesday) 


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