Sunday, April 28, 2013

Sunday. Funday.

So I think that everyone needs a few playlists in their life. Every day can be an event and Sunday is not an exception. So today, in honor of Sunday Funday I am making a (secular) playlist that will help you really enjoy the day to it's fullest extent: 

1. First I think you need to start out with something based on your real life:

2. Then things need to get deep:

3. Then why not listen to someone awesome?

4. Then let's get..... Umm, toxic?

5. Then....Things need to get real, life is short:

6. Then let's fall in love forever:

7. Were breaking up forever:

8. We are back together, I miss you:

9. Then every playlist needs this guys face in it:

10. And then this will happen.... on repeat. For the rest of the day!

Hope you have a great rest of the day!

Face after listening to Playlist? Maybe. 

Friday, April 26, 2013

Nasty Gal

Fashion Friday!!!!!!!!!!!
It's a thing. I just made it one. Because.... I love clothes, deal with it. So I stumbled, willingly with open arms, on to a sight called it's not an inappropriate website, it's actually an addicting clothing website. So I wanted to post a few of the looks that I am lusting after right now. (Not that I can pull any of them off) I love clothing that doesn't make you have heat stroke in the summer, because I am a hot German. Like I get really hot, not that I am 'HOT'....stop thinking I am being conceited!! Anywho, Happy Friday! Here it is: 

Nasty Gal

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Handy I am not: Hammock Addition

Yesterday I decided I needed a hammock, and I was ready to have it right then and there. I needed it. I mean every back yard needs a hammock, right? Let me preface this by saying I am not 'handy'   but I try really hard to prove that I am, at least once a year. This was my moment. I was going to prove to myself once and for all, I am handy.

Then this happened: 

First, we went to Menards.... everyone asked if I needed help. Apparently my fear and uncertainty was radiating... 

Then we got a little distracted....

Then I had a rude awakening: The box was not going to fit (because I had to...HAD to have the puppy divider up. No really, I did.)

I do not have a big trunk you can stick your bike in....sorry.

Here are the steps to successfully (kind of) putting together a hammock: 

1. Figure out how to fit the box in your car

2. Get home, pull the box to where you want your hammock

3. Look at the directions, briefly

4. Put the hammock stand together in 15 minutes

5. Put the hammock on and realize it's the wrong size

6. Go back to Menards

7. Put the hammock together like a boss 

 8. And finally, relax

So, I was successful...and even though there was a hiccup, for once I was 'handy'. 


Happy Thursday! 

What's Up, Wednesday? (Bigger bed, Bigger Problem)

Wednesday seems to be rolling around about once a week these days. I'm okay with it. It reminds me either that my paycheck is around the corner or I'm at least a few short days away from the weekend. So, Wednesday is okay in my book. I've decided to make Wednesday apart of my bloggy life by asking what's up? Since the idea of calling it hump day makes me think of cellulite and camels, I just really don't feel like saying, "Happy Hump day"....yes, I just said it.....dang it. Any way, here is what is up: 

My bed.

My headboard was propped in my living room. #excitedface #hashtagonablog

It seemed like the right thing to do. After months, and months, and months of not actually putting my bed frame in, it seemed like the time had come. I had purchased this beauty from an amazingly talented photographer/artist over at Lady and the Lens and it was/is gorgeous. I just ogled it all the time, hoping (praying) that it would fit in my itty-bitty room. Then it hit me, it was time for the move. The bed move. And so it happened. 

Let's just talk about  this head board for a hot second. It covers my windows. Like, I had four and now I only have two. It completely covers them. Not just a little bit. Like, the whole thing. But I"m okay with that. I embrace the big head board. I am one with night.... or anytime I lay in the bed. 

There is a window back there....behind the bed. 

But lets talk about how I get into bed. This is where the issues start. I'm not short. I'm not massively tall but I am definitely not short. This bed, is a beast. When I sit on the edge my feet dangle, a foot about the ground. I'm just saying, it's weird. It probably doesn't help that I have a bed topper on top of this already huge bed...but it feels like a cloud (a need, not just a want). So getting into bed, as you can imagine, is not for the faint of heart:

1. I first like to try and get a running jump. This is an instant fail because there is no room left in my room for a running jump...or even a walking jump.
2. Next I try a few rock climbing moves. (I've got the skills, don't worry about it) Yet, the pillow topper is to soft to grab a hold of so instead I just land on my back. On the floor.
3. Then the whole, I'll just slide into it thing happens, I the floor.
4. Finally, stuff* gets real. Like. REAL. 
5. Grappling hook, heaving. Curses. Yelling. Bruises. 
6. Make it into bed. Then I realize I left the light on. 
7. Decide to just sleep with the stupid light on. 
8. Have dreams about how I will get into bed tomorrow night.
9. Hot sweats. Cold sweats
10. And repeat.

My brother is 6' 6"......scale for size. YEP.

Happy Wednesday, that's whats up! (Sooooo cheesy. I will work on that for next Wednesday) 

Monday, April 22, 2013

Monday. Confessions.

Monday...everyone hates them so I figured I'm going to theme Monday. CONFESSION MONDAY. 

Here we go. 

My confession: a can. 

Some people have been privy to this issue I've had, but not everyone has....and it's embarrassing and really hard to find a logical reason or explanation for it.Other than I love sweets? Sugar? Icing.....

It started many years ago, I was just a child. Impressionable. Unsure about the world. Seeking solace in anything tangible and stable. I wanted to feel attached and apart of something that would never run out on me (without the option of a refill or easy repurchase.)  One day I had a tasty little cupcake right in front of me. I bit in. I hated it. The cake was dry. Lacking flavor. It was a joke. But then I looked deeper and realized I could just lick the icing off... That is when it happened. Euphoria.

For years I have been in search for the perfect icing. Every new icing is a new adventure for my taste buds. I know that with that first lick, that first scoop, I will hit a new magical accord in my life. Icing really is what dreams are made of. But later on in life I started getting a little resentful of the fact that I always had to find a spoon for the vats of icing that I was purchasing (in a normal quantity, STOP JUDGING). If there was no spoon, there was no happy moment for me....until I found a spoon. It was really hindering my joy. Seriously. 

Then I saw it. It happened. Right there in front of my face. The answer to all my question. The hero to my spoon trauma. 

No-Fuss. YESSSSSSSSSSSS. (ignore the need of a  mani)

All of my icing prayers and wants=cured. My confession this Monday? I eat this crap straight out of the container. All day err day. Get in my belly. Tasty goodness. My word to the wise? Don't knock it, till you try it. 

I hope you all enjoyed my confession. I feel a little bit better about life getting that off my chest. 

By the way, You guys like my leggings (they are icing spill proof):

Happy Monday ya'll. Happy Eating :) 

Friday, April 19, 2013


I tried to vlog today. (Blog via video)

Here's what I have to say about that. You have to be super into wanting people to hear and see you at the same time. Okay, so that is not so weird. But for it was a fail of epic proportions. Instead I ended up making a lot of weird uncomfortable faces....some weird sounds. And finally I gave up and had a staring contest with myself.

There is no editing this face.....

Quick, staring contest... you me:

You win, you always do....

And this, boys and girls, is why I should never be allowed to write a blog late at night......... I'm sorry. It's late. Don't hate me. 

Top Ten Tanning No-No's.

So I used to be a tanning bed addict. I went way to much. I was not 'naturally' as pigmented as those around me were led to believe. I knew it was bad for me, caused wrinkles and I was stupid. And young. Then I switched to spray tans....then lotion. It's been a whole thing, I don't really need to get into it. You get the point. But there are rare occasions that I grace these beds. These tanning bulbs. Just sometimes. And over the years I have observed some things not to do while in the presence of a tanning bed, and here they are:

1. First and foremost, Falling asleep, it's a no-no. Like the biggest no-no out there...and yet this is what I used to do EVERYTIME I tanned...until I found the stand ups. They saved my life. Although I am pretty terrified that I will fall asleep in one of those [FACEBURNNNNN] I can only imagine.

2. Using tingling lotion with sensitive skin, let's just say I didn't know what tingler did. The end. It was awful. Let's drop it [Ralph: Taste like burning].

3. Putting oil on.... now, I did not DO THIS, but I've known people that have.... This is how I feel about that:

4. Not locking the door.... guilty. Leads to awkward, "Oh..sorry I didn't see....I didn't know....I'm just going to leave now." situations.

5. Walking in on someone that did not lock the door.... like number 4 but reverse...and more comical.

6. Forgetting to put your hair up and having hair lines... the joys and trials of having long hair. Always remember a hair tie. No one wants weird tan lines....except this lady maybe:
Unforgiving tan lines= never a good time.

7. Using the tanning stickers.... It just makes you look easy. Yes, I had one in high school. Thank goodness I wore overalls to class. That kind of trumped the sticker. Completely.

8. Having a suspicious mole and tanning anyway, don't do that. I never have, but it just is stupid. Go to the dermatologist and check that out first.

9. Singing at the top of your lungs, I did/do this all the time. Most recent (No I won't tell you when...last week) I was singing to one of my favorite old-school Eminem songs and they switched stations on me...mid-song. Not cool. Not cool brah.

10. Falling out of the tanning room. Okay, let's talk about this for a second. This happened to someone I know...not me last week. Sometimes those rooms are super small and the doors don't lock that well, and sometimes you wear skinny jeans to the tanning bed. And sometimes when you try to take your skinny jeans off your foot gets stuck and sometimes when your foot gets stuck you trip, and sometimes when you trip you fall into the door of the tanning room, and sometimes when you do that the door you land on swings open...and you fall out. I don't know....I just have heard that happens sometimes. And I've heard that it is super embarrassing. And that people shouldn't judge people that this happens too.

So those are my top ten tanning no-no's. In general though I encourage everyone to skip the lights and get the lotion/sprays. Save your skin and your pocket! Happy Friday!

TGIF. Note to self: Skirts are harder to trip over :) 

Thursday, April 18, 2013


I have...rather large lips, they are natural and a little lopsided but they are there. And I love decorating them, I love bright colors but for everyday I look like a clown if I even attempt to smear ruby red loveliness over them. That is not the look I'm going for, so I have been on a mission to find lip colors that I can work during the day...and at a decent price. My goal was two lip looks for under $10. With the first look I just missed the $.02 but with the second look I was well under my goal. These lipsticks and lip glosses have been amazing for me, long lasting, they stay in place, and best of all they don't dry out my lips. Here they are: 

The lipstick is by Rimmel no. 113 and the gloss is also by Rimmel  in My Eternity

The lipstick is by Rimmel No.70 "Airy Fairy" and the gloss is by NYC  in No.451 "Blush Forever"

All of the names of the products are hyper-linked to where you can get great deals, but you also can get these items at most local Targets/Walmarts/etc. 

Is it Friday yet??