Thursday, December 20, 2012

Making the Most.

As Christmas gets closer and I get more excited, I love to reflect on the year that we have had. A personal account of what I loved, what I want to do different next year, and what I want more of in the following years to come. Do any of you do that? I don't do goals. I don't do regrets, I just like to do plans and memories. This year was ethereal for me. I loved the quiet moments, the exciting moments, and I loved that I was able to experience each of those moments with the people that I love and cherish. Today was just one of 'those days' that will go in my book of BIG memories for years to come. I love those days where you just know in your heart, this is going to be a keeper this memory will last a life time. I had that thought today over and over again. The laughter, the giggles, the awe, the joy....yep, it was all there. I hope you all have been able to experience those moments this year, and I hope that next year brings you memories you couldn't even begin to imagine being a reality. 

We all have our memories....

We all have our dreams....

And in the midst of all of that, we have our realities....

  Those cousins that are just the best.

That horse that thought your hair was a treat.
That place that you can't wait to go back too. 
Those friends you love with all your heart.
That kiss goodnight that makes you know you are home.

These are a few of my mementos to this year for my own special reasons. I am blessed. We are blessed. 


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