Sunday, December 30, 2012

Snow. Snow. Snow.

We really are SNOW people. We love the cold, and the snow, and the lack of hot weather...we embrace not sweating, we embrace not wearing flip flops, and though they are ugly we LOVE our UGGS. We love the hunt for the perfect winter coat for the season. We love hot cocoa and grilled cheese concoctions, we love fireplaces and comfy blankets, piles of slippers and PJs that are worn all day because there is no need to go outside....unless it's for sledding or snowball fights (and even then you layer your PJs).... We love watching the snow fall, we love snowmen, and we love snow angels...... sadly we must forge north for our layers of snow, but thankfully not for our memories and adventures.....we still can do most all of this, and we have. This weekend there was more baking [stay tuned for the crackle Mocha Chocolate Cheesecake adventure] and there were snowball fights, puppy snow adventures, pj snuggles, attempts to snowmen, UGGS, and we did wear our perfect winter coats. These weekends, these holidays, are amazing.... I am spoiled beyond anything I ever imagined with peace, with love, with joy....these are a few of my favorite things:

Snow Much Fun. Furry Friends. Best Fuuurrrriends Forever.

Puppy Kisses. American Girls. Drumming. Beauty Shop. 

 Happy New Years!!

Friday, December 28, 2012


This happened today.

So today was pretty much perfect. That is all.

Good Night! 

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Just Thinking....

There are things that people say that get old to hear over and over again....but there are somethings that give you butterflies every time you hear them.

'Mommy, I love you.'

'Mommy, you are my best friend.'

'Mommy, can we cuddle.'

My heart melts just writing that. When I hear her say those things, I am a puddle. When you are a parent you learn how to love in a whole new and amazing way. I think that this must be how God must feel when we talk to Him, when we tell Him how we appreciate Him, how we believe in His word. It makes my heart giddy knowing that God must experience that feeling a million fold, don't forget to talk to God. Every moment is the right moment to reach out to Him. Have a wonderful day! 

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

So Very Blessed.

What an amazing time of year. I am still reveling in the snow falling, the adventures to come, the love that we are fully surrounded with each and every moment. Thank you Jesus. We are so blessed. Here is a little bit of our joy over the past few days....and let me just tell you there is more heading our way. I hope you all had amazing Christmas celebrations, great family memories created, and moments that you will forever hold dear to your heart. 

On the 24th Day of December Elf on the Shelf left Mini a parting Party dress(es) and a letter sending her farewell till next December 1st.

I received a little (amazing) present of my own. (and a few more later on :))

On the Eve of Christmas we had our annual festivities....and things got a little goofy.

We caught up with family.

Santa had to make room for some amazing homemade cookies. 

And someone was very good this year.....

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Oh MY Desserts....

Yesterday we had our second (third) Christmas party and it was my time to make some tasty (hopefully) desserts. I gave Mini the choice to pick out exactly what she wanted when it came to what we were going to bake and she definitely knew exactly what she wanted to make....and it almost all was a first for me. So we ventured into our baking with some wonderful Christmas music playing and only the freshest of ingredients.

Here is what we ended up with these three amazing desserts: (Recipes to follow! Along with our second day of baking adventures)

Our Peppermint Kisses

Fresh Raspberry Mini Cheesecakes

The most amazing Open Faced S'more Cookies
Starting to bake in a few minutes for our second set of recipes!! Cannot wait to share!

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Making the Most.

As Christmas gets closer and I get more excited, I love to reflect on the year that we have had. A personal account of what I loved, what I want to do different next year, and what I want more of in the following years to come. Do any of you do that? I don't do goals. I don't do regrets, I just like to do plans and memories. This year was ethereal for me. I loved the quiet moments, the exciting moments, and I loved that I was able to experience each of those moments with the people that I love and cherish. Today was just one of 'those days' that will go in my book of BIG memories for years to come. I love those days where you just know in your heart, this is going to be a keeper this memory will last a life time. I had that thought today over and over again. The laughter, the giggles, the awe, the joy....yep, it was all there. I hope you all have been able to experience those moments this year, and I hope that next year brings you memories you couldn't even begin to imagine being a reality. 

We all have our memories....

We all have our dreams....

And in the midst of all of that, we have our realities....

  Those cousins that are just the best.

That horse that thought your hair was a treat.
That place that you can't wait to go back too. 
Those friends you love with all your heart.
That kiss goodnight that makes you know you are home.

These are a few of my mementos to this year for my own special reasons. I am blessed. We are blessed. 

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

And your heart breaks...

I have grieved for the families that have had to go through this tragedy. I have grieved as a mother, my heart breaking more and more as the reality sets in for those mothers and fathers, sisters and brothers, who have lost tragically in ways no one can fathom. My prayers go out to them in a stream of consistency and deliberateness.  I pray for their hearts, and the hole that is now empty in them, that there may be some peace some day that can patch even just a little bit of the pain that they are feeling now. God help them breath today, help them be able to get out of bed, help them see that they are loved, peace be with them. I pray for them and beg that they get rest, that they are able to turn their thoughts off just for a moment.....

God be with them. 

"When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; And through the rivers, they will not overflow you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be scorched, Nor will the flame burn you." Isaiah 43:2

"Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest." Matthew 11:28

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

And then the list grew.

This weekend Mini decided that she needed to do her own online shopping for is this happening?? She took over the computer and she made her selections for what she 'needed' for the new year. I think it goes without saying that she has fabulous taste.

Mini's Clothing Christmas List: 

Mini went shopping

Love my girls style! Happy Shopping :)

Monday, December 10, 2012

A Crunch here, a crunch there....

I was not planning on writing about working out....but I thought why not? I am having a blast with my new workout schedule and I am feeling stronger and more fit than I have in a LONG time. I think that should be celebrated for anyone and everyone that decides to take back their body. It is hard when you are a parent to fit time in to workout, trust me I know, but it is not impossible. I fit my workout time in at night after the house is asleep, I fit in strength training in even when I am working, I try to get in 100 squats, lunges, and crunches in between projects. If I am cooking in the kitchen or letting the dogs out I fit in as many squats as I can, I lung up and down the halls sometimes to get from point A to point B. It doesn't take away from my time and it is adding quality of life, how can you go wrong? So here is what I have been doing for the past two and a half week. Every day I try to add something to my routine, I mix it up, I do this, then the next night I do intense cardio, and every night after I workout I do yoga and stretch so that I am not super stiff the next morning. Happy working out!

My Workout

Friday, December 7, 2012

Our words.Their thoughts.

Our children know us. They know the real us. That person who wakes up with a half pony tail, 'man pants', and your stained, worn favorite comfy holey all -time most broken in shirt ever.That is the person they know when they think of their parents. The words and thoughts that come from you when you are in the comfort of your own home is forever in their heads, it is what shapes them, and when you are not around that is what they remember most about you. Your everyday, at home you.

Who are you when the most important ears are listening and the most important eyes are watching?

Be their inspiration.


In our house we have our 'toy favorites', but I am always interested in finding new and fun toys to add to the mix. My go to for unique toys this Christmas season? Etsy. I always go to them for home decor and girlie bows, but they have so many other items that are just waiting to be discovered. Here are some of the items that I have found and love:

Toys for Christmas

Check them out! I love the options and the quality that is out there for our babies! Some are funky, some are classics, and they all are you unique which I love more than anything. Happy Shopping! 

Monday, December 3, 2012

Sick Days and Elf Ways.

We have come down with a stinky virus at this house and we are trying our hardest to get over it as fast as we can, we have resorted to many snuggles, Christmas (and the occasional karate) themed movies, chocolate malt shakes, and giggles. It is safe to say that all this is working. And while we are recovering a little Elf on the Shelf we know and love has made it's way back into the house nightly ;) Here are some of the peculiar places that we have found her:

Day One she thought she would drop by with her favorite Austrian Dark Chocolate.

Day Two she tried to hide a surprise under some 'snow'.

Day Three she got a little carried away with the candy and may have found herself stuck!

And Day Four she tries to rider her friendly (40 in!!) horse to bring a gift as well. 

I have had a blast with our Elf on the Shelf and I can't wait to come up with other ideas for the rest of the month. I am trying my own spin on it, our Elf brings little gifts every day for 24 days from the North pole, she is our own personal Advent Calendar! Are you trying anything unique with your Elf this year??