Thursday, December 19, 2013

Makeup Favorites, Update.

Lately I have been madly in love with a few products that I feel naked without.... And I thought I would share those with you this cold, blah morning. Makeup makes everything better, don't you agree?? 

First I am in love with a non-drugstore base for the first time in forever! The Lorac Natural Performance Foundation.

Next, I am a sucker for Wet and Wild, most people know that about me... their makeup is not only nostalgic for me, it also is really great quality for the most part. I have been addicted to the Wet and Wild Walking on Eggshells eyeshadow palette that breaks the bank at a whopping $2.99. 
Then I've been using a blush by Pixie as my contouring powder on my nonexistent cheekbones and it is AMAZING. I love it, the color is Healthiest Honey and its just enough color to give a great shadow but not a bronzer that I usually overpower my face with ;) (Far left color)

I have always purchased powder highlighters because I just trust them, I know they work and I have had  good success with them, but I got a kit last month that had Benefits Sun Beam in it... what was wrong with me all these years??? I am madly in love with this highlighter! I put a dab of it on each one of my cheekbones (right under the outside corners of my eyes) and it blends perfectly with my foundation. 
I highly recommend these products if you are looking to test out some new (oldies but goodies) products! 

Happy Thursday!

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Not so TMI

 I had a few rough days last week and this week and ended up in the hospital... I'm fine, but the outcome was that I was given a few different prescriptions to aid in a speedy recovery. I don't usually ever, ever take medication unless I am forced too....

Within a few days of taking the medication I was prescribed, I noticed that I was experiencing some of the side effects that the information packet said may occur during the time that I take the medication, until it is completely out of my system. First thought.... this is not going to be pleasant. 

I discontinued the medication immediately and prayed that miraculously the side effects would stop. Right. At. That. Moment. But the didn't stop, they got worst, probably because the medication was still working its way through my system. 

Now to spare you the details I am going to leave the side effects to the imagination... but they were not fun, one specifically. 

Monday rolled around and the symptoms were getting more annoying. I was working and my discomfort out weighed my ability to work properly, so I went home. When I made it home I realized the one product I needed to aid in my discomfort, I ran out of. Surprising? Not really. 

I headed to the store with one item on my shopping list, and I needed it now. Made it to the store, and there were no parking spots... none. And the idea of walking, just the idea, pained me... but I powered through. I walked the half mile from my car to the store, which was the closest parking spot I could get, and made it in... only to get bombarded with crazy holiday shoppers. It was rough.... there was pushing, bumping, and even name calling and that was just me.... I hate going to the store during the holiday season.... it steals my holiday joy. 

I find my product, I finally made it out, and I made it home.   

I am fine now, I'm over my ailments... but for the brief time in life, I was miserable... and I needed you all to understand my pain. 

Happy Hump Day!!

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Back in the Saddle.

It takes time. Obviously. And I am no closer to my normal self, and I don't know what that is or if I will ever find it. But I am someone else now, and that is okay. I hope that I am a wiser person for it, I think much more now, I accept much more now, and I understand the value of taking my time now more than ever. Time is precious, don't waste it on anyone that does not mean the world to you. 

So today, for the first time I am taking a long breath and I am climbing back into the saddle. I have tried to write. I've started sentences many times over the past few weeks, but every time that I do, it all just comes back to him... to Tyler... to all the questions I have for him... all the words that are left in my heart for him... and when those come, I stop typing. (and usually I start crying) I talk to him, often, don't worry. I am grieving the best that I can... but I, now, here, I want to come back to you all and write about what makes me happy... all the superficial things that don't take effort to write  about. I cannot promise that I won't write about my feelings, and I cannot promise that I won't mention how I am feeling now and again. But for today and for now I am back to blog about gooey crap, funny moments, and those things in life that just keep me going. Thank you for your patience. 


My World. Let's get ready for the holidays!