Thursday, April 5, 2018


You. GUYS. I can hardly put into words how my week has been going...... but I'm going to try because, I do what I want. (If my kids say its ok.)

So, we went on a little spring break, I can't be one of those crowded crazies in Florida over spring break [social anxiety over here], I do our Vaca's over less frequented months so I don't lose my mind. It saves everyone from my anxiety fueled wrath-trust me, it's best this way. 

We had an awesome time, we visited my old stomping grounds and had a blast at our indoor water park.............................but then something happened. WE. GOT. HOME. 

By the time we made it home Mini had the Flu, the first time in seven years she has been sick.... SEVEN. And after two weeks she is a whiner.... let me tell you, she whines about EVERYTHING (once she feels better but still wants the extra treatment). I know, I am a horrible mom for saying it, but after day 9, I lost my mind a bit. I'm insensitive, I'm the worst.... but it only got old because she had perfected the 'forced cough' AKA the not wanting to go back to school after spring break cough. I know this cough, because I created this cough back in the day. 

The cough equated to Popsicle for breakfast, Oreos all day, sprite for days, every movie ever, laxed betimes, hot cocoa and LOOOONGGG bubble baths. 

But then her brother got Croup, and she realized the jig was up. So now we have two 'sick' kids. One forcing coughs for ice cream bars and one that is stuffed full of steroids and begging for bed time. Coughing is all I know anymore. We're on day 15, the natives [me, just me] are growing wrest-lest. I dream of sleep, I dream of healthy lungs, of margarita Monday's on warm summer nights, I dream of cheesecake.... unrelated but still relevant.

And today on this 15th day of illness:

 Today I had a productive day of Testosterone butt shots and long walks on the elliptical to release the injection knot..... it consisted of me of not having the ability to sit on any surface without a heat pad, yes I've been walking around with a plug in heat pad for my butt. No shame in this game. I am an old lady with monthly butt injections. #livingthelife

And don't forget: this is 30.

picture of that cute croup kiddo.


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