Tuesday, September 23, 2014

3 Days.

I'm going to be a mom of two in three days. 

I can't wait. 

Daisy and Dallas. 

It is going to be amazing. 

I went to my final OB appointment today and we made our plans for everything pre- and post- surgery, I'm so excited. 

I have gained a total of 22 pounds this pregnancy so I'm treating myself with hot chocolate and cold pizza for breakfast. Because in three days I will be on that fun stage of post-pregnancy, getting back to my pre- (pre-) baby weight. 

It is so much harder to plan a schedule around a c-section than I thought when you have a child (and a dog) and her school and activities....

My bags are packed and by the back door. Mini's weekend is in order. But still this week is busy, full of  appointments and last minute items that need to be taken care of. Because that's what you do when you're 42 weeks pregnant. 

67 hours till He's here.... not that I'm counting or anything. 

Thank you so much Krystal Shaw for capturing this special moment!

Monday, September 15, 2014

Grown UP.

I loathe Mondays. 

Monday is when I get Mini on the bus and I sit down to do the super exciting budget/bills/grocery list/menu planning and of course try to figure out all the house cleaning for the entire week. Which never goes as planned.

Today is especially ironic. 

I am sitting here having chocolate cake and paying bills. 

The true irony of adulthood.

The old adage, 'Have your cake and eat it too....' should really say, "Budget for your cake, make a grocery list for the items you need, bake at 350 for 30 minutes, let it cool, ice it, and then have an appropriate sized piece when ready to serve... but know this, since you're an adult... you still have the option to eat it when ever you want." 

Right now I am planning the last 11 dinners before my c-section. (Unless he comes early) so I am writing out the menu, the recipes, and making the grocery list. 11 days left out of the possible 42 weeks he has incubated. And then he will be here. He will be in my arms. His face, his movements, his coo's will forever be etched into my heart, my brain, my love. It is getting so real, and yet I still can't picture it at all.

I remember the first moment I heard Mini cry. A wave of fierce protectiveness came over me, and softness all at once. I remember thinking that no one could understand how much I loved her in that moment... and it still holds true. I can't even begin to imagine loving another person in that way without my heart exploding, but I know it's going to happen. And it is going to be amazing. 

I finished my cake. I may have grabbed two more bites from the pan. With a clean fork of course. Because trying to budget this month is making my hair fall out. As an adult you immediately understand why. Don't you?

I am going to go back to being a grown up right now.... breathing through 'subtle' contractions... crying softly to myself.... maybe making myself a second cup of hot chocolate... and finishing my menu...

Because I'm a grown up. 


Thursday, September 4, 2014

Throw Back Thursday.

My morning has been ruined.... It's 7 am and I bought low fat Pop-tarts. They are the worst. I don't even know how they can claim to be a Pop-tart. I lost a pound yesterday (though swollen beyond recognition from the chili I ate.... A LOT OF....) so I thought I would indulge in a Pop-tart. False.


Last week I was in the hospital. It was awful. My blood pressure was too high, I was shaking, and contracting..... It was really scary. Mr. Man almost came early. But they were able to get it under control and I came home on Thursday night last week. Now I get to see my Doctor every three days till Mr. decides to come.... or 42 weeks.... whichever comes first (Dallas, make this happen)

Saturday the dog got hurt. It was an 'accident' but I still blame myself. She's fine but we took her to the animal ER. It was scary. 

It was just not the finest week. This week was better though..... Any part not dealing with grownup life stuff.... as 38 weeks pregnant.  So yesterday was the highlight of the past week or so of craziness... yesterday I got to take awesome Maternity pictures with my friend of 7 years... who took my first preggo pictures 7 years ago when I was pregnant with Mini... at the same location.... before she ever knew she wanted to be a photographer! How crazy is that? As I imagined they are awesome. I look like a beached whale, but at a day shy of 39 weeks.... who doesn't? I mean there are men out there that look like they've been past due for the past 20 years.... so I feel pretty good about myself at this point. Especially after seeing Krystal Shaw's work (click here to find her site!)

I swore I wouldn't do bare bump pictures... but then it happened :)

I can't believe next time I will be holding two babyloves.
All in all, life is happening, one step at a time... and I am just rolling with it. Crappy Pop-tarts and all.