Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Talk into my Good Ear.

I am a hot mess.

No really, just a gross mess right now. 

I have a sinus infection. Chest congestion. 'moderate to severe asthma' and a MASSIVE ear infection (I've never had an ear infection... ouch)

So I went to the Dr. and she said that I could probably use over the counter drops for it if I would like and then if that didn't work she would prescribe something.... 

The drops didn't work.

Last night I had warm olive oil Q tips in my ear (Google is going to be the death of me) while eating chicken noodle.... out of a can :( and half trying to hear the TV. 

I am a hot mess.

Stupidly this morning I tried to do it again, got distracted and ended up jamming the Q-tip in my ear. I'm exhausted. It happens. 

So I'm probably going to bleed internally from a ruptured ear drum.

I'm sure that is a logical reaction... right? 


As I wait for a call back from my Dr. I officially cannot hear anything... any more... probably ever again.... out of my right ear.

I am looking into getting a hearing ear dog.

It sounds like an ocean with a heart beat constantly....

I am having glimpses of the Shining running through my head...

"All sickness and no hearing make Bethanie a dull boy."

This is my morning.

This, today, is my struggle.


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