Sunday, August 31, 2014

There is no Such Thing as an Inactive Addict.

I don't believe in the inactive addict. Even if they are not using, their brain still functions as an addict... but I want to know more.

Once again I am researching and reading about drug addiction. I feel like it is something that I always come back to... wanting to understand more so I know how to handle addicts more, because once an addict... always an addict. Though they may not abuse drugs they still have the personality and character traits of an addict. 

Every time I research I am reassured, I love being educated. And no matter where I go lately I find that this is something that I am faced with. 

Today I read about the addicts tool belt. No matter if they are 'active' or not, they fall back on certain traits when they are overwhelmed or feel as though they cannot cope with what is going on around them. I have found these traits to all be true when dealing with addicts, no matter their addiction.... 

Addicts try to rationalize what they are doing to cope with life. They focus on deception, if no one asks what they are doing, they aren't really 'lying'. Little do they know or can comprehend, they are lying, they are lying to themselves and those that love them, they are deceiving their loved ones by breaking promises... they are lying to themselves by convincing themselves it's 'ok' to slip up just once... and this leads into the third trait... justification. This one I have witnessed so many times. They try to justify what they are taking, many times I've heard, "Well, this drug isn't as addictive as what I used to take... so it's okay." 

If you have to sneak it.... it's wrong. If you have to do any of these things (coping traits) to make what you are doing feel okay, it's wrong. But to an addict, I feel sometimes they lie so much to themselves that they don't know right and wrong anymore. 

Loving someone like this is just devastating. Because how do you know what else they are lying about? This is something that I am still researching. I feel like it is a different struggle for each loved one, whether a spouse, a parent, a sibling, etc. How do you love past the pain of knowing their limitations. 

In the mean time, knowledge is power and so is unconditional love. And you can always give love. That will never hurt you.


“Over time, hidden truths morph in the dark soil of deceit into something much worse.” 

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Sunday Morning.

It's almost ten and we have had the perfect Sunday morning.

I've needed this for a while.

I'm content.

Gisele (The Pom) and I are sitting in the dinning room drinking coffee (chewing on a bone) surrounded by Pinterest and a Sephora bag full of goodies to help me get ready for church (we're trying a new one, I think the whole family is glad it doesn't start till 10:45.... we are not early risers on Sunday).

I've gotten to the point in pregnancy that my feet are the size of footballs. I accept this. There's really nothing I can do, I'm like a walking memory foam bed. I have started to refer to myself in third person as, 'THE TANK."

Now Gisele is cleaning the kitchen floor... she's so sweet like that.

Mr. S is power washing the deck... Mini is wandering the back yard.... barefoot and rocking some colorful Hello Kitty Pjs. This time last year we would have definitely not let her wander but I love that we live in the country now, she's pretty free to do whatever she wants. It reminds me of living on the farm when I was a kid. We don't have a farm but it's closer than not.

Mini educated Mr. S on 'My Little Pony' history this morning while he made breakfast.... and before that they played and fed our pet frogs.

Typing all that out and actually thinking about it all cracks me up.... we are very, eclectic.

I feel like our children will either be very sure of themselves or very unclear about life when they become adults.

You live in the country and you're being raised by two people who love fashion (and appreciate man material items) but also love hunting/the outdoors.... and you have pets that range from dog to snake to frogs (and soon chickens and a pygmy goat... Mr. S said no... but he'll change his mind ;)) and we live close enough to Chicago and bigger cities that you really never are stuck 'in the country'. I don't know what that makes our kids.... hopefully they will love it.

I want them to always feel free to get dirty, but clean up nice when they need too. I want them to remember their summers outside. NOT in front of a TV. I want them to use their imagination (I feel like that is being sucked away from kids these days) and I believe that at least out here, with a big yard, and weird entertaining animals and a quiet surrounding they will have the ability to do all that.

I should probably go get ready... but I just had to sit and stop and think for a bit. How different our lives are in just this past year.... and how crazy different they will be by next year. Who know's... maybe I can con Mr. S into a lamb or two.... or maybe a llama? A girl can dream ;)

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Talk into my Good Ear.

I am a hot mess.

No really, just a gross mess right now. 

I have a sinus infection. Chest congestion. 'moderate to severe asthma' and a MASSIVE ear infection (I've never had an ear infection... ouch)

So I went to the Dr. and she said that I could probably use over the counter drops for it if I would like and then if that didn't work she would prescribe something.... 

The drops didn't work.

Last night I had warm olive oil Q tips in my ear (Google is going to be the death of me) while eating chicken noodle.... out of a can :( and half trying to hear the TV. 

I am a hot mess.

Stupidly this morning I tried to do it again, got distracted and ended up jamming the Q-tip in my ear. I'm exhausted. It happens. 

So I'm probably going to bleed internally from a ruptured ear drum.

I'm sure that is a logical reaction... right? 


As I wait for a call back from my Dr. I officially cannot hear anything... any more... probably ever again.... out of my right ear.

I am looking into getting a hearing ear dog.

It sounds like an ocean with a heart beat constantly....

I am having glimpses of the Shining running through my head...

"All sickness and no hearing make Bethanie a dull boy."

This is my morning.

This, today, is my struggle.

Monday, August 11, 2014

What's the big Deal?

Over the past (almost) year I've been a pretty bad friend. 

A crappy friend. 

I noticed this not to long ago, while crying over a box of Thin Mints. 

No, not hormonal crying. Sad crying. I had just had a heart wrenching conversation with my daughter....

(We have decided to postpone telling her about my brother's passing, no... I don't care what you think. This is our process)

"Mom, what's so great about having a little brother? Do you like having one?"

My stomach dropped. 

In this moment I was mid-text to someone about to make plans to do something and I knew I was not going to make it after the conversation I was going to have to choke back tears through.....

"He will drive you nuts, but he will also be your best friend, he will stand by you no matter what, and at the end of the day when you grow up and are best friends in your teens and adulthood.... he will be the only person that knows sometimes there is nothing left to say after a crappy day.... sometimes after a crappy day you just need a Carmelo and a hug.... and someone to re-watch a Wes Anderson movie with you for the 1000th time. (Okay usually two Carmelo's)."

She looked at me confused.... I knew she wouldn't understand yet. But someday she will.

"Oh. But he's going to steal my toys... and be annoying."

"Yep, he will. But it'll be okay. That's his job. Just think he'll have toys you will probably steal too."

"That's true. Okay I'm going to play with Gisele and watch some My Little Pony."

After she left the room I crumbled a little. Because of everything. And it happens so much. More than I like to acknowledge. Because when I am around people that I love, that I'm friends with and they have that 'sibling' still that is their best friend... I get jealous. I get sad. I get..... overwhelmed. And then I pray they never have to watch a weird movie by themselves.... while being afraid to buy their favorite candy bar... just because it might, just might, hurt so much they'll implode. 

I'm sure it all seems so simple. So dramatic to an, 'outsider'. I hate looking at myself sometimes because I'm embarrassed at what all hurts still. All the simple little things. But they can wreck my day. My week. In the blink of an eye. And I admit I have no control yet over it. Will I ever? Who knows. 

I know it'll get better. Hopefully. And I'm sorry. 

And as the moment gets closer to when Mini will have that little 'bother', I pray she thinks he is as awesome as I know he will be. They could have everything and more if they get passed the 'annoyances' and just embrace being buddies. 

I hate he will never get to begrudgingly hold his nephew.... I can't believe this was almost 7 years ago.