Saturday, July 19, 2014

Preggo Problems.

I am so lucky and blessed in so many ways. And I know that, trust me... but right now, I need to vent. 

I am mad my husband hasn't had a day off since June. And that he hasn't worked under 10 hours a day since June. 

I hate that I am so emotional and clingy during this pregnancy... because I am sure it's every mans dream to be climbed on by a bulbous woman who is probably going to cry on you and smoosh you with her massively protruding stomach...boobs... and thighs. 

I hate that I cannot control my massive addiction to carbs this trimester. It is overwhelming. It is a full blown addiction..... they need to lock up carbs for their safety... from me. 

I hate that by 3 pm (noon) I am exhausted, cramping, and half asleep... even if I haven't done anything at all....

I hate that I can't be more active for Mini during this time. I try to make sure that she has something fun to do each day, since it's our last summer together without a little man tagging around, but some days... I just can't and i feel so bad about it. 

I hate that some days... I just want to order pizza. Not because I want pizza, but because the idea of bending over to grab a pan literally has made me cry lately. 

I feel bad that I have made Gisele (the Pom) as lazy as me. She much rather be laying on down comforters in bed then going on a walk... and I agree. All the time.

Sometimes I just wish that all this would speed up and he would get here and I wouldn't feel all these things. But then I know these times are precious and all of these little silly things won't matter in 8 weeks and I need to just breath... and I need to just be at peace. And before I know it my complaints will be no big deal and I will be embarrassed this all mattered so much at one time.

I am so blessed. And I know that. I am blessed to be able to be pregnant. I am blessed that my husband has such a great job. I am blessed that I have such an understanding daughter. I am blessed to have a healthy baby boy growing stronger everyday. 

Now I'm done venting. And I am going to go be clinging (just as soon as he gets home)... because that's just who I am these days.

We made it to the Fair today... Gisele made it out of bed. So that was something :)


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