Wednesday, July 23, 2014

33 weeks. (minus one day :))

My second mama and my second set of children (cousins) were in town today. And they forced me to eat unhealthy, fried everything food It was completely against my will... I hated every second of it. 


 So much fried greasy awesomeness.

And there was other real stuff I had to do. 

And then the joyous third trimester sickness/migraine hit. 

So I made my way home.... marinated my chicken (the family still has to eat...darn you migraine pain) and now I am trying to make it through blogging so I don't accidentally fall asleep before dinner is done and Mini goes to bed.... three hours and counting... not that I'm counting... 

I thought I would do a little pregnancy update:

How far along: 33 weeks!
Total weight gain: gained 10 lbs total (two since the fair.... thank you grease)
Maternity clothes: Maxi dresses and yoga pants for life.
Stretch marks: Nothing since Mini. So. Much. Cocoa Butter. But it's working!
Sleep: Ummmmmmm...... nothing for more than two hours at a time. I'm ready for these sleepless nights with Mr. Dallas. 
Best moment of this week: Will be Friday! Normal Dr. appointment, 4D ultrasound appointment, and maybe maternity pictures. It's an ALL baby day!
Miss anything: Wine... Sitting up.... without grunting.... and not having to waddle to get anywhere.
Movement: All day every day. Nonstop.
Food cravings: Ruffles chips. I don't like chips... but apparently my pregnant self does.
Anything making you queasy or sick: It just depends on the day... But it still happens more than not.
Have you started to show yet: Umm.... YES??
Gender: Boy!
Labor signs: Braxton Hicks mostly at night.
Belly button in or out: It finally made it's way out...
Wedding rings on or off: On... until about 8 pm and then it's time to come off and breath :)
Happy or moody most of the time: Happy.. but embarrassed about how tired I am all the time... I hate it. It's so not me, but it takes hold of me everyday any way....
Looking forward to: My baby shower a week from Sunday!

only 7 more weeks!


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