Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Oh my!

It has been a while since I have had the time to post anything. Sorry for that! 
Well it is officially 2013! Can you believe that? It still is funny to me when I write the date and realize 2012 is already done  and over with. 

What have you been up too? 
We have been healthy first and for most! After an entire month of doctor visits and coughing and feeling gross we are finally healthy and that deserves a HUGE amen! We have been trying to keep warm, potting training our newest fluffy addition, and just having fun. What better way to bring in the new year than to laugh a lot, hug a lot, and love a lot? I cannot think of anything that could top that.

I hope you all are having a peaceful and blessed beginning of this new year that is full of amazing opportunity, God's unending love, and happiness that is just waiting to be used. We are going to be trying are darnedest to embrace every second of each step of this beautiful blessing of a new year! 

Well here is to getting back to blogging, doing my crunches, and snuggling all of my loves till they get sick of it! 


 Yesterday was our history. Tomorrow is still a mystery. Today is our present, it is our gift waiting to be opened. 


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