Thursday, January 3, 2013


I'm not Catholic, nor will I ever try to be, but I have been to mass and something has always stuck with me from those times. It is what they say..... specifically, 'peace be with you.'

How many times do we say that in our day, our week, or even our month? Do we wish peace for people? Do we even think to do so? 

I don't do resolutions, I do life changes. But this year, even if I do not verbalize it, I want to wish peace for people that I care about, that I meet, and that are still very much strangers to me. There is something so powerful about saying to someone, 'peace be with you,' that no matter who they are or what they have done, in spite of all of that, you want them to have peace. So today, I say, peace be with you and have a wonderful 2013! 


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